- abbr.agammaglobulinaemia 无丙种球蛋白血症;aggrecan 聚集蛋白聚糖

But anyway , since Chuck was 18 , this agg . assault case sent him to adult county jail on State Road in northeast Philadelphia , where he sat , unable to pay the bail23 -- he couldn 't afford it -- while the trial dates dragged on and on and on through almost his entire senior year .
Clinical measurement of platelet amount and AGG plays an important reference role in operation determination and prognosis evaluation .
E Agg EC may cause diarrhea in children in whom no other enteric pathogens have been identified .
Biotin-Avidin system was used in latex agg - lutination test for antibody against HBsAg .
Meanwhile , investigation of carbides distribution with the variation of time at 1120 ℃ with backscatter electron image ( BSE ) was conducted to study its influence on AGG .
AGG is the second stop codon of swamp water buffalo , and it is a significant and unique characteristic of lineage B in Chinese swamp water buffalo .
AGG assault does seemto be your specialty .
E Agg EC , as identified with the Hela cell assay or by hybridization with the E Agg EC probe were not associated with diarrhea in children in China .
The effects of dosage of sodium hydroxide , alkalization time , dosage of sodium chloroacetate , negative-ionization time and temperature on the carboxyl group content and viscosity of AGG were investigated respectively .
Methods ( 1 ) cTnT was amplified by PCR from cardiac cDNA and consecutive AGG codons in the cDNA of cardiac troponin was replaced with the synonymous codon .
Conclusion The formation of microaggregates of platelets in liver sinusoids may be the cause for the decreasing platelet amount and AGG in patients with hepatolithiasis having a histoy of cholangitis .
Organiser Agg wishes to remind all travelling LFC supporters that they will be once again be acting as ambassadors for Liverpool FC and the City of Liverpool .
We present AGG ( Aggregation Generation by Generation ) model to simulate the three - dimensional fractal aggregation process separately under three different neighbour conditions and five different lattice sizes , and calculate the percolation threshold values and the fractal dimensions correspondingly .
E. coli that adhered to Hela cells in an aggregative pattern and hybridized with the E Agg EC probe were of 27 O : H serotypes and no serotype was associated With diarrhea dis'ease .
Results In all 43 samples , the K ras codon 11 was CCT ( proline ), and the opposite strand sequenced was AGG . It was different from the standard GCT ( Alanine ) sequenced by foreign authors .