- adj.倾斜的;向上斜的

Determination of Acclivitous Angle of Bed Level in Horizontal Stirred Bed Reactor for Polypropylene by Acoustic Emission Measurement
It is found that , feeding coefficient , stirring speed and powder properties not only affect but also determine the acclivitous angle of bed level .
The desolate sands was a little bit acclivitous towards the plain , the tone was firm and persistent and austere .
In numerical stimulation , flow field , flow velocity distribution and total pressure distribution on vegetation surface were studied around vegetation of three different statuses , i.e. vertical , acclivitous and lying .
It was found that the compounds are adsorbed on the Ag surface through the carboxyl oxygen atoms , the benzene adopts acclivitous conformation , others lie low on the Ag surface .
Due to radar ′ s acclivitous radiating on chaff corridor , chaff corridor ′ s blanket coefficient of different position is different in condition that chaff density is the same all over the corridor .
For acclivitous photogrammetry , we work out the outside orientation parameter by deduction , namely the equation to calculate the gradient of a beam according to the same point respectively in two pictures and by the rectification of oblique photography .
Based on these discoveries , the model for predicting acclivitous angle of bed level is established by introducing dimensionless variables , including feeding coefficient , dimensionless speed , dimensionless feed , etc. The relative deviation between model prediction and industrial data is below 5 % .