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  • 网络波长交换光网络;波长交换;水溶性有机氮;森林土壤中水溶性有机氮
  1. However , the results revealed that the soil microbial biomass nitrogen WSON was not affected by freezing-thawing events .


  2. In addition , some interesting experimental results on the IP / LOBS / WSON network with OpenFlow control plane is also presented .


  3. As the development of ASON and the WSON , the management of the optic fiber network becomes more and more intelligent , transparent and efficient .


  4. Current generalized multi-protocol label switching ( GMPLS ) standards do not include adequate models for wavelength-switched optical networks ( WSON ) in recovery mechanisms .


  5. The urea nitrogen made the highest contribution to WSON in spring , which account for 55 % of the total deposition fluxes of the whole year . But it was lowest in summer , which only account for 9 % .


  6. Automatic switched optical network ( ASON ) and wavelength switched optical network ( WSON ), further integrate the intelligent control mechanism of the control plane and reconfigurable technology of wavelength transmission plane , to achieve a large capacity and end-to-end all-optical communication .
