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The green lights program is the important energy-sa ving project for the society .
Age , sex , economic incomes and the filial li ving conditions were main impact factors on mental health .
I 'm ving some people over tomorrow .
Experimental results showed that the new technique is efficients in impro - ving quality and reducing cost and environmental pollution .
The single-cycle salt and frost hea - ( ving ) rate interval increases with increase of sulfate content .
AIM : To observe the effect of release using silver needle acupuncture in impro ving femoral medial and knee joint medial pain .
Methods 66 patients were randomly divided into two groups . 33 patients were having the rehabilitated nursing , and the rest were ha ving clinic basic nursing .
The seventh paper gives a brief account of the U.S. Research Society of Earthquake Engineering , invol - ving the nature , history and goal , activities , members , and requirements for membership of the Society .
It is the authors ' opinion that of the various modern scientific disciplines dealing with complicated nonlinear phenomena , the fractal idea may be a breakthrough in applications to the seismological field for sol - ving practical problems .
The new IMF team led by Cruise also features franchise stars Ving Rhames and Simon Pegg while new team members include Jeremy Renner , Paula Patton and Vladimir Mashkov .
Through testing , it shows the advantages of extending the usage , impro ving the filtration efficiency , increasing the filter cake production and reducing the moisture of the filter cake , filter liquor will be more clearly .
If you have a bricks and mortar store and no online presence , the email may help more people find their way to your shop – particularly if you include a money-s a ving coupon in the email .
After revie ~ ving the fa the r image in Austen 's six main novels , it is clear to us that by laughing at fa the r 's authority , Austen subverted the patriarchs ' .