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  • abbr.联合汽车工人工会(United Auto Workers);通用入口工作站(Universal Access Workstation)
  1. We have really a breakthrough agreement with the UAW .


  2. Our contract with the UAW covered tanks as well as cars .


  3. Mr Zhou says the UAW are becoming competitive .


  4. Chrysler will demand concessions from the UAW union , on health care in particular .


  5. Americans are outraged by both Wall Street fat cats and the UAW job bank .


  6. UAW assets fell slightly to about $ 1.25 billion last year from $ 1.26 billion in2006 .


  7. UAW representative Jimmy Settles calls it a " win-win " situation .


  8. Small wonder the United Auto Workers union ( UAW ) is less truculent than before .


  9. GM , Chrysler and the UAW yesterday declined to comment on the talks .


  10. UAW concessions , maybe more union concessions , plus some restructuring of these companies would have to happen .


  11. In North America , Jack Smith had to deal with his directors , powerful functional bosses , and the UAW .


  12. Is it the FCC , UAW , SEC or FAA ?


  13. It is unclear what impact that would have , though it could give the UAW an even bigger ownership piece in a combined GM-Chrysler operation .


  14. That 's according to a top UAW official who says the goal of the campaign is get majority staff among employees to plant recognition by Volkswagen .


  15. Bill Alfred , President of UAW Local 235 in Michigan , says the government needs to help the U.S. auto industry survive the current financial storm .


  16. By autumn , Fiat will threaten to walk away from Chrysler unless the UAW and U.S. taxpayer offer up even more concessions .


  17. And if it did , what are the odds of the UAW or Washington politicians giving their blessing ? Pretty close to zero .


  18. However , the UAW leadership hasn 't been as hostile in private in regard to the tie-up as public comments would suggest , people close to the union said .


  19. The sale of Chrysler would trigger warrants the UAW has in the auto maker , a stake the union negotiated in last year 's national labor talks .


  20. UAW lost the vote to represent 1500 workers at the plant earlier this year after an extensive anti-union efforts by a group of " the National Right to Work . "


  21. ' The crux of the issue right now , the greatest issue right now , is coming to a cost competitive labor agreement with the UAW , 'said Hoselton .


  22. The alternative might be to cede control to the UAW , the second-biggest shareholder , which is hardly blameless for GM 's current parlous state .


  23. UAW leaders approved , noting " these provisions will ensure that these vehicles of the future and their key components will be built in the US , providing jobs for American workers " .


  24. Late Monday afternoon , talks between the UAW and GM , and separate negotiations with Chrysler , were making some progress as the parties hammered out cost-reduction details .


  25. Wendy Thompson , a retired former president of UAW Local 235 in Michigan , says the federal government should provide oversight of the auto industry as it attempts to transform itself .


  26. Frank Hammer , a retired president of the United Auto Workers union , or UAW , Local 909 in Detroit , says now is the time for big solutions , not criticisms of workers .


  27. It effectively enables GM to cap $ 51 billion owed to the UAW for retiree health care by setting up a fund , known as a Voluntary Employees Beneficiary Association , and move it off its books .
