- n.塔格特

Taggart debated whether to have yet another double vodka
By modifying Taggart model , lucubrating capital structure optimizing based on enterprise growth .
Taggart Murphy knows his Japanese history .
Japan cannot be an ally of the United States or anyone else until it is first a sovereign state , Taggart Murphy writes .
The abundant commentary on British television 's faking crises , including Jeremy Pitman 's recent Mac Taggart Lecture , doesn 't show British 's media in the best light .
Japan and the Shackles of the Past , by R Taggart , Murphy OUP USA RRP £ 20 / RRP $ 29.95 , 472 pages
However , according to R Taggart Murphy , professor of international political economy at Tokyo 's Tsukuba university , Hatoyama was attempting much more than that : he wanted to regain the sovereignty that Japan had lost when it became a virtual " protectorate " of the US after 1945 .