- n.索福克勒斯;索福克莱斯

No honest man can argue both sides well . & Sophocles
Laws can never be enforced unless fear supports them . & Sophocles
Time is a gentle deity , said Sophocles .
This can be observed most clearly with Horace and Sophocles .
Sophocles conceived doomed Oedipus the greatest sufferer of the Greek stage ,
God of Greece and Confucianism & the Belief Option of Sophocles and GUAN Han-qing
An Eternal Myth : Criticism , Interpretation and Reception of Sophocles ' Oedipus Rex
Shelley 's body was identified by the volumes of Keats and Sophocles found in his pockets .
The first part is the introduction of the background of ethical issues in the works of Sophocles , as well as the impact on the city residents .
It is also generally recognized that Aeschylus and Sophocles enjoyed all through their lives and longer the full benefit of popular favor ,
On the Differences in Creation Between Sophocles and Euripides & Take the Same Name " Electra " as an Example
In the process of the Ancient Greece tragedian 's increasement , Aeschylus and Sophocles sequentially played quite an important role .
This paper explores the background , destiny , and a long history of criticism , interpretation and reception of Sophocles ' Oedipus Rex .
Sophocles long ago Heard it on the Aegean , and it brought Into his mind the turbid ebb and flow Of human misery ;
Allied with him he could risk coming out of his isolation to fight that tremendous battle against the works of Aeschylus and Sophocles ;
Hasty advice is unreliable . & Sophocles
Sophocles long ago , heard it on the Aegean , and it brought into his mind the turbid ebb and flow Of human misery ;
and one might then be tempted to praise Euripides ' radical tendency to establish a proper relationship between art work and audience as an advance upon Sophocles .
Euripides would never have endorsed Sophocles ' statement about Aeschylus -- that this poet was doing the right thing , but unconsciously ;
Already in Sophocles we find some embarrassment with regard to the chorus , which suggests that the Dionysian floor of tragedy is beginning to give way .
The ages of Shakespeare and of Moliere are no less past than are the ages of Sophocles and of Virgil .
Hellenic tragedy The King Oedipusis wrote by Sophocles , Chinese modern tragedy Thunder Storm is wrote by Cao Yu , and the two writings are famous .
while Sophocles in his Oedipus intones a paean to the saint .
( Greek mythology ) a tragic king who unknowingly killed his father and married his mother ; the subject of the drama Oedipus Rex by Sophocles .
The third place went to Sophocles , who had boasted that , in contrast to Aeschylus , he not only did the right thing but knew why he did it .
In another direction also we see at work the power of this un-Dionysian myth-opposing spirit , when we turn our attention to the prevalence of character representation and psychological refinement in tragedy from Sophocles onward .
With the help of Aristotle 's insight of tragic catharsis in Poetics , Jacques Lacan analyzes Sophocles ' Antigone and develops his peculiar and general tragedy theory .
In this to accommodate the17,000 people theatre have been staged countless field Aeschylus , sophocles , and Euripides tragedy works and aristophanes 's comedies .
By the development of the poets the Aeschylus , the Sophocles and the Euripides , the life tragedy went through the process from the birth and the flourish to the deterioration .
The tragedy of Aeschylus and Sophocles had used the subtlest devices to furnish the spectator in the early scenes , and as if by chance , with al } the necessary information .