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  • 网络远程监控;远程监视;远程网络监控;远程网络监视;远程网络管理
  1. Then analyzed the reconstruction technique and reconfigurable software development methods , and introduced the thinking of reconstruction into RMON to propose a RMON framework for reconfigurable open .


  2. Design and implementation of RMON probe for electricity information network


  3. Research and Realization of Poisson Sample in Network Traffic Measurement Based on RMON


  4. Alarm is one characteristic operation of RMON function .


  5. To meet the demand on electricity information network management , this paper studies the design and implementation of the network probe system based on the remote monitoring ( RMON ) standard .


  6. On a configuration based on Java and XML , the system uses Simple Network Management ( SNMP ), Remote Network Monitoring ( RMON ), and the Client / Server Architecture .


  7. The performance management implements the basic monitoring function and Remote Monitor function . RMON is a remedy for the SNMP insufficiency , lowing the cost of management and operation .


  8. In a switched LAN , the best place for RMON agent , which can monitor all the flux in a net segment , is inside of the switch .


  9. This paper proposes a measurement model based on RMON from traffic engineering aspect . On the basis of classifi-cation of measurement entities , this paper defines internal com-munication protocol in this model .


  10. The traditional approach to network internal links traffic using SNMP / RMON can neither decrease processing load of the kernel nodes equipments in high speed IP backbone network nor transfer complex tasks to network edges .


  11. The conception and purport of network supervisal are introduced too , include some important criterions and protocals , such as MIB , SNMP , RMON .


  12. Based on network equipment , Lan / Wan Link or host , traditional network surveillance mainly employs SNMP or RMON to monitor performance of host and provide detailed information such as link load , error pocket , time delay , and pocket loss rate etc.
