- n.优先;优先次序

This estimate may provide enough accuracy for an initial prioritisation session , after which the team may prepare a more accurate estimate if needed .
The characteristics of countries in this regime include a leading role for equity markets and the prioritisation of the rights and interests of minority shareholders .
There would be no prioritisation .
He was member of the ad hoc High Level Expert Group of the European Commission on the Prioritisation Procedure for New Research Infrastructure in the7th framework program .
" Organisations'plans need to be based on a prioritisation of applications and data ," says David Luff , senior vice-president for software engineering at vendor CA.
Those who choose to contact DHL by email should also notice improved responsiveness thanks to prioritisation of emails , rather than simply answering them in turn .
They are useful for short term prioritisation and planning , but when you need to understand what your system does six months after implementing a story , the card isn 't going to help much .
This ' prioritisation ' proposal advocates a radical and deeply irresponsible departure from commitments by presidents of both parties , throughout American history , to honour all of the commitments the nation has made , Mr Geithner said .