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  • 网络前庭内侧核;前庭神经内侧核;微血管网络;多值神经元;反传输指令
  1. CONCLUSION The increases of 5-HT in MVN may be involved in the mechanisms of vertigo induced by caloric stimulation .


  2. The discharge characteristics and classifications of rat MVN neuron


  3. Next , run the mvn clean install command .


  4. You can start the it using the Maven command mvn tomcat : run .


  5. To run the application , type mvn tomcat : run which will start the jetty server .


  6. You can immediately start your application by running mvn jetty : run as seen in Listing 2 .


  7. Conclusion MVN neuronal discharge rate is affected by caloric stimulation in middle ear , with different responses in different neurons .


  8. They can be easily launched by running mvn jetty : run-war from command line .


  9. Objective To detect the effect of caloric stimulation on neuronal discharge in medial vestibular nuclei ( MVN ) .


  10. Now run the application using mvn tomcat : run and you will see JAMon logs in your the maven console .


  11. Roo delegates the call to Maven to run the tests , so therefore , perform tests is equivalent to a mvn test command .


  12. The mvn eclipse : eclipse command you ran earlier prepared the samples for the blog to be imported into Eclipse , too .


  13. Multi-Valued Neuron ( MVN ) and Multi-Thresholded Neuron ( MTN ), Their Combinations and Applications


  14. CONCLUSION : Glu neurotransmitter , excitatory amino acids , may contribute to the effects of acute hypotension on the activity of MVN in conscious animals .


  15. Running the simple mvn clean install command ( or any life-cycle command that contains the specific phase that the inspect goal uses ), would produce the output shown below .


  16. If you now run your application using mvn tomcat : run , you will not see any logs on the console because you have not configured any bean to monitor .


  17. Fire the git pull command , which will pull all the remote changes into your local clone , and then do a mvn clean install to build the updated sources .


  18. AIM To observe the influence of Ginaton on the expression of synaptophysin in the medial vestibular nucleus ( MVN ) following unilateral labyrinthectomy ( UL ) .


  19. According to the demand uncertainty of short life cycle products , a joint optimal output model of member firms in MVN is proposed to maximize its total profit , and the object function is shown to be concave .


  20. There was no change in Glu level of MVN in rats with acute in the ipsilateral group ( P > 0.05 ), while the level of Tau was remarkably decreased ( P < 0.05 ) .


  21. Methods The middle ear of rats was irrigated by ice ( 4 ℃), hot ( 44 ℃) and warm ( 37 ℃) water , and the discharge rate of MVN neuron was extracellularly recorded .


  22. The labeled cells were only seen in the caudal ventral of LVN , and distributed diffusely in the DVN and MVN from the injections into the cervical enlargement segment .


  23. Results The discharge rate of MVN neuron was changed by caloric stimulation , the majority of MVN neurons showed excitation by hot water and inhibition by ice ( type A ) . The neuronal discharge recovered immediately after cessation of stimulation .


  24. These results suggest that the hemorrhage-induced acute hypotention can influence the activity of the neurons in the MVN by the afferent impulses from vestibular organ , and that some special amino acid transmitters in the MVN are involved in this process .


  25. The level of Glu in MVN of rats in the normal group was significantly increased by a 30 % decrease of blood pressure induced by intravenous injection of sodium nitroprusside ( P < 0.01 ), while the level of Tau was greatly decreased ( P < 0.05 ) .
