- abbr.微浮标便携式试验设施(Microbuoy Transportable Test Facility);故障平均发生时间(Mean Time to Failure)

Monte Carlo method of MTTF evaluation based on fault tree analysis
Monte Carlo Method of MTTF Evaluation for Large Complex System
For applications with high reliability requirement , how to improve system MTTF is one of the key problems .
The BC_a Intervals for the MTTF of Parallel or Series System
The presented method can be easily used in engineering for MTTF evaluation of large complex system , where limited testing data of unit life time is required .
Based on reliability diagram modeling and calculation of minimal path sets , Monte Carlo sampling simulation method of MTTF is obtained for large complex system .
Based on the physical model , the temperature and the MTTF of copper interconnect can be calculated accurately , which can be used as an effective guide to IC designing and manufacturing .
With the comparison of the result calculated by the maximum entropy method and the MTTF ( mean time to failure ) method respectively , the maximum entropy method was proved to be more precise .
The reliability lab ship fuel oil donkey boiler controlled by relay control system is evaluated using counting method , and mean time to failure ( MTTF ) of the control circuit is educed .
By concentrating on Mean Time to Repair ( MTTR ) rather then Mean Time to Failure ( MTTF ) , we find that quick recovery reduces recovery time and thus offers higher availability .
The maximum likelihood estimate and uniformly minimal variance unbiased estimate ( UMVUE ) of MTTF were made on the one-unit system whose lifetime was assumed to be on GAMMA distribution .
Finally obtain the mean time between failures ( MTBF ), mean time of repair failures ( MTTF ), inherent availability ( A ) as well as reliability index such as reliability and failure rate function according to the distribution model .
Through this experiment platform , we could inspect ECU automatically and effectively , age the ECU , determine the ECU ′ s MTTF , carry out ECU 's reliability experiment , manage the ECU production and quality control through database .
In this dissertation , a large number of real defects are obtained from the IC . IC defect detection , feature extraction and classification and its influence on signal integrity and MTTF ( Median-Time-To-Fail , MTTF ) of IC are studied in detailed .
Results are MTTF up to 4000 hrs at 50 ℃, which could be expected to exceed 10 ~ 5 hrs ( when Ea is 0.9 eV ) at the room temperature ( 20 ℃) . The observed modes of the lifetime are in good agreement with log-normal distributions .