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  • abbr.联合电子设备工程委员会(Joint Electronic Device Engineering Council)
  1. JEDEC ? The input threshold voltage when the input voltage is falling .


  2. A Case Study of Problems in EIA / JEDEC HBM ESD Test Standard


  3. Some data sheets contain electrostatic discharge or latch-up TEST results and the associated JEDEC TEST conditions .


  4. JEDEC ? The current into an input terminal when a specified high-level voltage is applied to that input .


  5. The two companies started participating in standardization efforts for DDR2.0 through the JEDEC Solid State Technology Association , last month .


  6. JEDEC ? The voltage level at an output terminal with input conditions applied that , according to the product specification , will establish a high level at the output .


  7. JEDEC – A power supply that acts as a reference for determining internal threshold voltages , but does not supply any substantial power to the device .


  8. Secondly , the using of JEDEC Standard SDP three-byte command sequence can reduce the accessing EEPROM by accident and improve the dependability of saving data .


  9. Leaded and lead-free BGA ( ball grid array ) components were tested in board level drop test defined in the JEDEC ( Joint Electron Device Engineering Council ) standard .


  10. After the system start , MTD will identify flash chip supporting CFI or JEDEC interface . And it can read CFI query structure by querying command .


  11. Samsung now plans to work closely with a number of server makers to help insure completion of JEDEC standardization of DDR4 technologies in the second half of this year .


  12. The chips on board would not damage at the same time in finite drop . Large number of studies show that the chip closed to the JEDEC board bolt location ( U1 ) is the easiest damage part .
