- 碘(131I);碘131I

One of the substances , iodine-131 , was found at nearly 127 times the permitted level .
On Tuesday , Chinese officials reported low levels of radioactive iodine-131 in areas of southeastern China .
Single disease clinic pathways optimized in iodine-131 treated differentiation thyroid carcinoma
Long-term follow-up study of the therapeutic effect after iodine-131 therapy for hyperthyroidism
The quantitative analysis of histological parameters in rat thyroids exposed to iodine-131
Clinical Study of Adolescent Hyperthyroidism after Iodine-131 Therapy
Iodine-131 Ablation of the Thyroid Remnants after Surgical Removal of Carcinoma of Thyroid
Radionuclide iodine-131 ( 131 I ) is a simple , economic , safe and effective treatment for hyperthyroidism .
In vivo distribution and metabolism of iodine-131 lipiodol infused via the hepatic artery of dogs
Study on general situation of iodine-131 in treatment of hyperthyroidism and risk factor of hypothyroidism caused by iodine-131 both at home and abroad
The Study Value of ~( 99m ) Tc-MIBI Imaging for the Follow-up Patients with Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma after Iodine-131 Ablation Residual Thyroid Tissue
Conclusions Iodine-131 therapy for serious goiter with hyperthyroidism is safe and effective , which can be used as a routine therapy for this condition .
But officials say these levels are not a threat to public health . On Tuesday , Chinese officials reported low levels of radioactive iodine-131 in areas of southeastern China .
Fear and uncertainty , which nuclear fission produces as unavoidably as it does iodine-131 , distort people 's perceptions of those risks .
Meanwhile , levels of radioactive iodine-131 in seawater around the plant have dropped , after a crack that was leaking highly toxic water was plugged Wednesday .
There was no significant difference statistically in the weight of the thyroid or the dose of the iodine-131 used between the hypothyroid and euthyroid groups .
The thyroid iodine-131 uptake rates were visible lower . The value of 3h and 24h were respectively ( 9.36 ± 1.55 ) % and ( 9.26 ± 4.63 ) % .
After the Chernobyl nuclear disaster , people could have been spared from exposure to large quantities of iodine-131 ( a source of radiation sickness ) if they had had fast access to gas masks .
Permanent hypothyroidism easily happens for younger patients ( P < 0.05 ), but there is no difference in the peak uptake iodine-131 rate between patients with and without permanent hypothyroidism ( P > 0.05 ) .
He added that the possibility is low that the high level of iodine-131 in the seawater would have a negative effect on marine life , since it would be diluted by the vast amount of water in the ocean .
" You can 't control radiation . It 's already there , but you can take preventive action ( by not consuming any radioactive food that is tainted with iodine-131 for80 days )," Deb said .
The following results have been obtained . ( 1 ) The cure rate of iodine-131 ther - apy for hyperthyroidism is 74.4 % , and the incidence of permanent hypothyroidism is 7.5 % .
Shunichi Yamashita , an expert on radiation exposure , suggested that the health implications of leaks into the sea would be limited , as iodine-131 has a short half-life , meaning its radioactivity reduces quickly .