
  • 网络香叶醇;牻牛儿醇;香醇醇;牦牛儿醇
  1. Geraniol has no remarkable effect on cell growth , it s suitable concentrations can boost terpenes accumulation . 2 .


  2. Have been studied and improved . In citronellal produced the relevant standards of the content of geraniol have been reached .


  3. Type mainly containing geraniol , citronellol and cineole .


  4. The Seperation of Geraniol from Citronellol in Yunnan Citronella Oil


  5. A facile synthetic method of 8-substituted geraniol


  6. The antifungal action of geraniol


  7. The apparent characteristic of the aroma of Biluochun Tea was high concentrations of hexanal and nonanal , besides linalool and geraniol .


  8. The major ingredients are geraniol ( 26.95 % ), carvacrol ( 18.40 % ) and thymol ( 17.72 % ) .


  9. Alltrans farnesol was synthesized through six steps starting from geraniol in an overall yield of 30 % . The key step was the regioselective alkylation of methyl isopropyl ketone .


  10. The review focuses on the different catalysts and craft on the hydrogenation of the major terpene : pinene , dipentene , citronellal citral , geraniol etc over catalysts and craft .


  11. The glycosidic aroma precursors in leaves of Zhuye are mainly consisted of glycosides of cis 3 hexenol , linalool and its oxides , methyl salicylate , geraniol , benzyl alcohol and phenylethanol .


  12. This study detected eleven terpenoid compounds in vidal grape , lots of them have flowery and fruity aroma . The content of Geraniol which has peach aroma is higher than others . It is the typical aroma of ice wine .


  13. The author elaborates a new synthetic method of reducing citral to nerol and geraniol by PTC catalytic reduction with sodium borohydride , in C6H6 / H2O mixture solvents , we discuss the effective factors of reduction and find out the optimum reaction conditions .


  14. And the flowery and burn aroma components include Pyrazines , Geraniol , β- Ionone + ( z ) - jasmone , Benzyl cyanide , Nerolidol , benzyl alcohol , Linalool oxide , 2 - Phenyl ethanol , etc.


  15. Area-specific gas composition for the buck Linalool , Terpinolene , 1,8 - cineole , Linalyl acetate , Myrcene and A-pinene etc. , can be from the true lavender , geraniol geranium , sweet oregano And sweet basil essential oils found in such .
