- adj.精辟的;喜用格言的;深奥的

John Maynard Keynes used somewhat gnomic utterances in his General Theory .
The establishment of the Irish Free State became the now symbol of the gnomic and social development .
Moreover , the pithy sayings in gnomic style such as what you introduced here seem more suitable for children .
These transformations get less nightly attention than an Italian cruise ship hitting the rocks or even a Finnish politician making a gnomic comment about Greece .
No one can exceed him in the definition in spirits of China 's traditional culture . Neither can in gnomic contention on difference existed in cultures between China and Western countries .
Others range from the plodding (" External we focus on customer value and internal care about own value-added ") to the gnomic (" Unity of Individual and Goal ") .
If before going to the d'Urbervilles ' she had vigorously moved under the guidance of sundry gnomic texts and phrases known to her and to the world in general , no doubt she would never have been imposed on .
Perhaps because there wasn 't much to draw me in , I found myself idly pondering the bits of gnomic Buddhist thought that occasional flashed onto the supertitles , only to disappear before their paradoxical ideas could be properly digested .
Lockwood 's Twitter " sexts " - inspired by political scandals and cable-news stories on the sexual menace of cellphones - reimagine the sweaty-thumbed expression of a generation 's libido as a kind of gnomic poetry .