
  1. 所有的资金都将归facebook公司所有,不涉及公司员工,而在过去的一些交易中,员工曾经能够出售部分股份获得套现机会。

    All the money will go to Facebook itself and none to staff , who have been able to take part in some past transactions .

  2. 中国的知识产权咨询公司EastIP表示从他们正式受雇于facebook公司来处理facebook在国内的商标问题开始,他们已经发现了很多facebook名字的变种在国内出现,无论是中国名字还是英文名字。

    Chinese intellectual property consultancy East IP says it has found myriad variations on the Facebook name , in English and Chinese , since being hired by Facebook to handle its trademark issues in China .

  3. 因而google、facebook及其他公司无疑会在线上线下,密切追踪欧盟与美国就此事的谈判进展。

    Google , Facebook and others will no doubt be tracking-both online and offline-the progress of EU-American talks on this matter very closely .

  4. facebook及其同类公司也和银行一样,起到了配置的作用,只是它们是在帮助人们转移内容、而非资本。

    Facebook and its peers also play an allocative function , just as banks do , except they help people move content instead of capital .

  5. 注册facebook(或使用公司的网络工具)后加些好友,然后把你的行为“签到”。

    Sign up friends on Facebook to check in on your behaviors ( or use a company network tool ) .