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  • abbr.未破坏;未折断(Failure to Break);快速鱼雷艇(Fast Torpedo Boat);战地小队公告(Field Team Bulletin)
  1. The FTB announced its decision last December , and the ruling went into effect earlier this year .


  2. The FTB says this will affect over 2,500 people and bring in about $ 120 million in revenue .


  3. To find the quick , convenient and sensitive method for detecting quantitatively the fumitremorgin B ( FTB ), three complex antigens were produced .


  4. Denise Azimi , a representative for the FTB , said it had no choice but to remove the entire benefit .


  5. AIM : To investigate the application value of fluoroscopic triggered bolustrak ( FTB ) in contrast enhanced MRA ( CE MRA ) scanning .


  6. Ethan Anderson , co-founder and CEO of startup MyTime , says the FTB 's actions will make entrepreneurs think twice about setting up a business in the state .


  7. Overstreet and a group of California entrepreneurs have formed a group dubbed California Business Defense to fight the ruling , saying the FTB 's actions were too broad .


  8. The FTB had more than one choice to make here , and our position is that there were other precedents available , which they did not follow , says Overstreet .


  9. Not only did the state 's Franchise Tax Board ( FTB ) eliminate a tax break on capital gains for small business owners and investors , it announced the tax would be reinstated retroactively .


  10. An Orange County businessman named Frank Cutler sued the FTB after being denied the tax break because less than 80 % of his business was based in California , one of the incentive 's caveats .


  11. First the hydroxyl group at C-6 position of FTB was reacted with hemisuccinate , forming the FTB-hemisuccinate ( FTBS ), then the compound was identified by ultimate and spectrometric analysis . The FTBS was combined with three carrier proteins respectively to form the amide compound .
