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  • abbr.联邦信息处理标准(Federal Information Processing Standard);盘存和计划系统(Facilities Inventory and Planning System);联邦信息处理系统(Federal Information Processing System)
  1. Federal Information Processing ( FIPS ) 140-2 approved data encryption


  2. Use of FIPS ( Federal Information Processing Standards ) 140-2 encryption certified algorithms


  3. FIPS ( Federal Information Processing Standards ) 140-2 encryption


  4. Finally , the – fips option is specified .


  5. The amino acid composition analysis showed that the recombinant FIPs had similar amino acid composition to the nature ones .


  6. When set to YES , SSL channels are restricted to use only FIPS approved encryption algorithms .


  7. This article gives a brief overview of FIPS PUB 140-2 which can be used as the guidelines for the designers of cryptographic modules .


  8. Recently , by improved , an algorithm based on the non-EDF was proposed , called the Flow-based Iterative Packet Scheduling ( FIPS ) .


  9. Because of absence of a unified standard the protocol transformation , for which a huge amount of calculation must be done , became the bottleneck restricting the development of FIPS .


  10. The fungal immunomodulatory proteins ( FIPs ) are a new family of micro - proteins with immunomodulatory activities extracted from several species of medical or edible mushrooms .


  11. Set SSLFIPS ( YES ) if FIPS compliance is an issue , but be aware that this does not disable non-SSL channels .


  12. The result proves that rt is possible to reach the speed of 2 × 107 FIPS ( Fuzzy Inferences per second ) . the average speed is 1.8s for one character .


  13. The functions of link level and packet level are tested with the combination of a white box method and a black method . This system is compatible with the standard of FS 1410 / FIPS 100 .


  14. Users wishing to restrict their applications to use FIPS complaint ciphers and TLS can either manually configure every endpoint , or simply enable FIPS compliance using the admin tools .


  15. The fungal immunomodulatory proteins ( FIPs ) are a kind of micro-proteins extracted from macro fungi with immunomodulatory activity in recent years . The structure and biological functions of FIPs have similarity with lectins and immunoglobulin .


  16. FIPS 186-2 adopted the ECC standard recommended by National Institute of standards and Technology ( NIST ) in 2000.We focus on the NIST ECC and its algorithms , including the optimistic algorithms , elliptic curve group operation and improvement and implementation of ECC over binary field .
