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  • n.伊利(男子名)
  1. From Cambridge we took the road to ely which led us immediately to the fens .


  2. The great towers of Ely cathedral , visible across leagues of flat marshland .


  3. Professor Ely hoped to improve and to perfect the judicial review theory .


  4. Was bundled off to ely to stay with friends .


  5. When I told Mr. Ely about my experiment , he said that though he had never tested his product this way ( who would ?)


  6. Of the first modern interpretation of the Constitution than to the scientific community-is John Hart Ely .


  7. Ely says she regularly confronts the dismal estimates surrounding women dropping out of the workforce .


  8. We walked from Ely to Eagle Mountain .


  9. After this experience , I talked with Chris Ely , one of Applegate 's founders .


  10. He 's a shoe-maker in Ely Street and I work for him .


  11. Adrian Ely and Kevin Urama call for a new politics of innovation built around diversity , poverty reduction and environmental sustainability .


  12. Professor Ely put forward his own opinions , that wee clearing the channels of political changes , facilitating the representation of minorities .


  13. It had become his habit to run long distances in the afternoons , along the river and elsewhere , even as far as Ely .


  14. ' It is primarily an educational program , ' says Mr. Ely , noting that interns don 't make investment decisions or deal directly with clients .


  15. Early on14 November Ely Curtiss 's pusher biplane was hoisted aboard .


  16. Adrian Ely is a member of the STEPS Centre and the convenor of the project Innovation , Sustainability , Development : A New Manifesto .


  17. A convivial evening , atmosphere For the moment , peace surrounds this gray wolf at the International Wolf Center in Ely , Minnesota .


  18. Oliver was an extremely dashing , handsome , charming and larg 。 ely unstable male that I completely lost my heart to .


  19. Ely Obillo says the star , which announced the birth of Jesus , is the holiday symbol loved in the Philippines , and Los Angeles .


  20. This thesis is a report of a computer-aided investigation into one hedging strategy - Epistemic Lexical Verbs ( ELY ) in Academic and Research Articles ( ARA ) .


  21. I told Mr. Ely that my results suggested that his chicken was more of a maximally processed product than a ' minimally processed ' one , as the box said .


  22. When we read of Jim Thorpe or of Colonel Ely Samuel Parker , we cannot tell from their names that they were Indians .


  23. Yet analysis from Ely Company , industry consultants , shows that across all failures in the past two years , the FDIC estimated its losses at a quarter of failed banks ' assets .


  24. Mr. Ely says , ' In today 's food-safety world , uncooked really scares me , ' though Bell Evans has never had a recall of its products .


  25. The data for the study were obtained by using two measures : ( 1 ) Second Language Tolerance of Ambiguity Scale ( Ely , 1995 ), and ( 2 ) Matriculation English Test ( MET ) .


  26. Glenn Curtiss also formed an exhibition team which included Eugene Ely and Bechwith Havens , as well as the legendary Lincoln Beachey .


  27. Mr. Ely says , ' In today 's food-safety world , uncooked really scares me , ' though Bell & Evans has never had a recall of its products .


  28. Hamilton 's career center introduced Mr. Pradhan to Jim Ely , the firm 's chief executive and founder , and offered the stipend to cover rent , food and transportation .


  29. Ely 's research found , for example , that some 43 % of female graduates from the Boomer generation ( ages 48-66 ) are no longer working full-time , compared with only 28 % of men .


  30. That 's what it is . You 've got this connection now between this variable , which is sort of hard to really intuiti ely understand , when you 're talking about thermodynamics .
