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  • abbr.欧洲电信标准协会(European Telecommunication Standard Institute)
  1. This paper describes the establishment of the ITU T and ETSI passive optical network standards


  2. ETSI members will decide on the proposals next week .


  3. ETSI is a regional telecom standardization organization in Europe .


  4. DVB-RCS is a technical standard established by ETSI for interactive communications based on satellite network .


  5. Apple said it did not wish to comment ahead of the ETSI vote .


  6. ETSI & A Standardization Body with Distinctive Features


  7. ETSI has the DMR standard changed several times , so that the standard has been improved gradually .


  8. The two groups have tabled proposals to the European Telecommunications Standards Institute ( ETSI ) .


  9. The object of ETSI to define the MHP standard is to make the digital TV become the platform of home multimedia entertainment .


  10. In Oct. 2002 , European Telecommunications Standards Institute ( ETSI ) standardized its robust feature extraction algorithm for distributed speech recognition .


  11. TETRA system is an open system which is designed and set unified standard by ETSI to meet the requirement of mobile system in European specialized departments .


  12. In 1998 , ETSI publicized TETRA protocal , which is a standard of digital trunked radio communication system .


  13. DMR ( Digital Mobile Radio ) is the latest digital mobile communication system which the ETSI ( European Telecommunications Standards Institute ) is developing .


  14. This article has given a deep and comprehensive analysis of the standards copyright policies of CEN , CENELEC and ETSI , and their standards assignment system .


  15. It has threatened to withdraw around 50 Sim card-related patents from ETSI if the Apple proposal is approved .


  16. The article , depending on the interception standard of ETSI standard , studies the interception of the wireless telecommunications , VOIP system based on SIP and IP network .


  17. It is normative and opening system established and designed since the middle of 1990s by ETSI to meet the demand of using mobile communication in the special departments and organizations in Europe .


  18. TTCN ( Tree and Tabular Combined Notation ) used for protocol conformance testing was constituted by ETSI , ITU-T , ISO in1990 's.


  19. The latest generation of the digital trunked system TETRA , which is defined by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute ( ETSI ), is one of the most advanced mobile communication systems .


  20. ERMES is an updated high speed radio paging system defined by ETSI , it has the advantage of high transmission speed , large channel capacity , effective frequency allocation , low battery consumption .


  21. In order to use the robust feature in low computational resource device , on the basis of two-stage Wiener filtering algorithm in ETSI Standard , we propose a novel approach to improve the efficiency .


  22. Before joining ETSI he was Head of the Standardization Division of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications ( BMPT ) at Bonn .


  23. However , with the development of technology innovations , in 2004 Europe Telecommunication Standards Institute ( ETSI ) brought forward a new digital trunking technology standard called Digital Mobile Radio System ( DMR System ) .


  24. Up to now , wireless networks built follow the standardized protocols and the structure developed by ITU , ETSI , TIA and other organizations are also adopting the Internet model and protocol .


  25. TETRA digital trunked standard developed by ETSI is mainly used for terminal side protocols , and there is no uniform standard in the infrastructure side of the TETRA digital trunked system .


  26. 3GPP was established in December 1998 by the European ETSI , Japan ARIB and Korea TTA and the United States T1 , and other components .


  27. This article according to the ETSI standard , from the point of legitimately intercepts has analyzed the network data trans - mission model , provided intercepts settings rule based on the different transmission model .


  28. As an up-to-date standard of protocol and software testing published by ETSI and ITU-T , the testing and test control notation ( TTCN-3 ) becomes more and more popular for testing .


  29. This paper presents the standardization organizations of Next Generation Network ( NGN ) and introduces in detail the NGN standardization fruits of ITU-T , ETSI , 3GPP , IETF and China respectively .


  30. TETRA system a single standard-based open system designed by ETSI in conjunction with user organizations , manufacturers , testing and government authorities to satisfy the mobile communications needs of the specialized institutions in all the European countries .
