- abbr.ESCO公司;哥伦比亚地面站;教育、科学及文化组织(联合国)(简称:教科文组织)(Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization);工程器材供应管理处(Engineer Supply Control Office)

Research Review on Competitive Advantage of ESCO in Building Industry
Research on the Benefit Evaluation and Share Mechanism of Energy Conservation Project in ESCo
Welding Process for Alloy Parts and Components of ESCO Bucket
A new company HEP ESCO was established to support the private sector in undertaking energy efficiency projects .
Through the paper , we hope to see a little bit benefit push for ESCO Service for Large Public Buildings in Chengdu-Chongqing area .
The negotiation between the Client and the ESCo for energy savings allocation is , in fact , a bargaining process .
Such results show the ESCO industry 's energy conservation efforts have the potential to significantly reduce the climb in China 's coal use-a major source of greenhouse gases , says Taylor .
ESCO ( Energy Service Company ) is that the sources of energy service company shorter form . This kind of late-model energy conservation service company has got pretty gigantic achievement in world everywhere building energy conservation field .
The ecological condition in loess hilly and gully region of the south of NingXia province is so frangible that it was considered as " tbe worst place to live " by the ESCO .
On this basis , the fifth chapter of this thesis proposes a debt financing strategy & Relationship-based Financing strategy , which can eliminate the information asymmetry effectively between the ESCO , Banks and other stakeholders , and by way of empirical research proved its effectiveness .