- n.碳;正碳;碳鎓,阳碳
Carbonium Ion & an Active Intermediate in Organic Chemistry Reaction
Study on the stability of the carbonium ions
Molecular orbital interaction and catalytic activity of carbonium of molecular sieve zeolites
A new possible reaction pathway is proposed , which is a carbonium ion mechanism with a neighboring-group participation effect .
Suggesting a new index e_ ( ab ) ~ r for estimating the relative stability of carbonium ions
The other is conducted amidst carbonium ion intermediate and the product thus brought about has no stereoselectivity .
Carbonium ions in solution derive much of their stability from solvation effects and are formed more easily in more polar media .
STABILITY OF NONCLASSICAL CARBONIUM IONS The Problem of Nonclassical Carbonium lon Classic couture
It would be expected that carbonium ions are very susceptable to nucleo-philic attack by water .
The Controversy About Non-classical Carbonium Ion
A molecular lumped kinetic model has been established based on the classic carbonium ions reaction mechanism to represent the FCC gasoline reaction network through reasonable hypothesis and simplification .
In the attempt to synthesis of carvone , isolation of compounds 149 and 150 provided the non-classical carbonium ion scenario . 4 .
The results showed that the dewatered ionic liquid could still catalyze the alkylation , and the carbonium mechanism was established through the GC-MS analysis of the reaction liquid product .
While thiophene molecules were under the catalytic cracking conditions , their carbonium ions were very active and reacted easily with α - olefins from the paraffin cracking reaction .
On metal active sites the dealkylation reaction follows adsorption and dehydrogenation mechanism , while on acid sites the dealkylation follows hydrogen transfer mechanism , carbonium ion chain reaction mechanism or free radical mechanism .
In this paper we try to give factors of influence rather completely on stability of nonclassical carbonium ions from bond energy of C & R bond , electronegativity of R , top-atom X , etc.
The results indicated that the main initiating event was the generation of a penta-coordinated carbonium ion by the protonation of paraffin in the feedstock , and the following reactions took place via monomolecular mechanism .
With different side chains at the 3 - position of the phthalide , either hydride transfer or alkyl transfer would take place in the rearrangement reaction depending upon the stability of resulting carbonium species , leading to different products .
The leaf spot of Gardenia jasminoides is a kind of fungal disease . The most suitable temperature for mycelium grow is 24.8 ℃, pH 7.0 , the carbonium is glucose and the relative humidity is 75 % .