• 网络先进微波探测器;微波探测器;微波探测装置;先进的微波探测器;微波探测仪
  1. Preliminary research on monitoring snow-cover over China with AMSU data


  2. The thermal structure characteristics of tropical cyclones with different intensity revealed by AMSU data


  3. Research on Extreme Weather and Climate Events using MSU and AMSU Brightness Temperature Data


  4. A Study on Assimilation of AMSU and Its Application on Heavy Rainfall in Numerical Forecast


  5. Preliminary Application of AMSU Data to the Snow Cover-Monitoring of Xinjiang


  6. The probable position of mesoscale convective precipitation is analyzed with AMSU data .


  7. The Application of NOAA / AMSU Data in Typhoon Study in North-West Pacific Ocean


  8. A numerical experiment of the atmospheric temperature profile inversion from satellite-based AMSU measurements through the improved EOF approach


  9. This study can be used as a reference to typhoon analysis using NOAA / AMSU data received at the satellite ground station in Ocean University of China .


  10. AMSU data increased the quantity of temperature and wind , could clearly revealed the occurrence and change of the low vortex which lead to the rainfall .


  11. Besides , the paper simply analyses the factors that influence the monitoring accuracy of AMSU , and then points out several problems to be resolved in the future .


  12. Atmospheric temperature is retrieved from AMSU ( Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit ) soundings by using a physical-statistical scheme and a regression model .


  13. The results suggest that AMSU data could improve the simulation of the summer heavy rainfall in China , and has latent capacity to ameliorate the operational weather prediction .


  14. This paper introduces the data calibration and location of AVHRR / 3 and AMSU flying on the NOAA-15 polar orbiting weather satellite .


  15. Microwave sensings from the AMSU aboard NOAA satellites , penetrating through a thick extent of cloud cover , find an increasingly wider range of applications .


  16. As a result , as a new kind of satellite soundings , AMSU microwave data are of some utility in analyzing and forecasting the structure of tropical cyclones , and intensity of a spiral rainband and rainfall .


  17. Weighting functions of AMSU channels 3 ~ 14 are calculated by the Liebe model , the normalized weighting functions are then employed as the constraints for the statistical regression model , and the optimal solution is obtained by appropriately adjusting the constraints .


  18. Results show that when AMSU samples at the sub-satellite point are adopted , the constrained regression algorithm yields higher retrieval accuracy with the root-mean-square error of ( 0.4 K ) ( 1.0 K ) below ( at and above ) 100 hPa .


  19. In this paper , the short time rainfull estimated by using microwave data from NOAA-16 satellite 5 channel advanced microwave sounding unit model B ( called AMSU - B ) at 03 h ( Beijing time ) of Aug. 6 , 2002 is described .
