
78m measured from the slab without adiabatic construction . Design and Application of the Slab Bridge Without Bean in Freeway
Dubai International Airport was in third place with 78m passengers , up 10.7 % on the previous year .
According to Jeffrey Sachs , director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University , the global population is increasing by around 78m people a year .
In the 2011 Sunday Times Rich List , the combined wealth of Paltrow and Martin was estimated at £ 48m ( $ 78m ) .
Overall , the immigrant population will soar to 78m by 2065 , compared with 45m today , with a growth rate double that of the US-born population .
At its all-important R é my Martin division , operating profits were down 27.7 per cent on a like-for-like basis , to 78m , over the half-year period .
When ExxonMobil offered $ 78m to renew three expiring 40-year leases , the government responded with a counter-offer of $ 2.5bn .
However , the 11 current global sponsors paid an average of $ 78m for the rights , and sports marketing experts said the price tends to increase more than 10 per cent in every four-year cycle .
IHS forecasts that light vehicle sales will grow a further 4 per cent in 2012 to nearly 78m . LMC believes they will grow 5 per cent next year to just under 79m .
The well had to be cemented again . For the third time , the well was sidetracked from 990 . 78m ( the cement top 991 . 12m ) . The deviation angle at the target point was 87 . 2 °, the vertical depth was 1061 . 24m .