
Structure Analysis for 11m Antenna Based on MSC Software
It reported an operating profit of 11m in the first half of this year .
There were almost 11m of these people worldwide .
The entire programme will cost around 11m .
Australia 's 11m workers can hardly believe their luck .
The cheat software affects more than 11m cars worldwide .
Today , all 11m children in the state education system aged between five and 12 eat lunch at school .
intimations of harsh treatment of the US 's 11m illegal immigrants .
Lehman shares closed last week at 14 cents with trading volumes on Friday reaching just over 11m shares .
In the second quarter it sold 11m smartphones , more than doubling its revenues in the same period last year .
He highlighted discounts and delayed purchasing systems , as well as donations of 11m treatments to the World Health Organisation .
Now a new high - rate extension to the standard , 802.11b , lets wireless networks support data rates to 11M bit / sec .
Vehicle sales this year , forecast at 11m , put the country on track to overtake the US as the world 's biggest car market .
The acquisition combines Germany 's second and third largest banks to create a clear domestic rival to Deutsche Bank , with 11m private customers .
What should be done , for example , to help the 11m US homeowners in negative equity and millions more who cannot refinance ?
Add in the 11m " underemployed , " who are working less than they would like , and it is the size of Texas .
Sorbic says Mr Wang has used his power to transfer Rmb70m ( $ 11m ) of the company 's money to , well , they know not where .
Although fundraising is now much tougher , the foundation has raised 11m and more than 7m in pro bono support .
The attenuation rule of shock in water after 11m away from borehole axes was confirmed to the attenuation rule regressed from the site test data .
It offers 11m songs , compared with Pandora 's 900000-but has only a tenth of its rival 's listeners .
The carmaker later announced that up to 11m of its vehicles worldwide could be affected and said it had set aide 6.5bn to cover potential costs .
The German car company is in the midst of a global recall of 11m cars that were fitted with illegal software to cheat emissions tests by regulators .
In Bihar , stagnant water posed a serious threat to about 11m people , including 1.5m young children , said Unicef , the United Nations Children 's Fund .
There is a funny sketch by Tripp and Tyler sending up the conference call that has been watched 11m times on YouTube ;
Many who 've grown up with the books can now get regular doses of JK Rowling via social media - she 's got an army of almost 11m followers .
Hangzhou , the city where Mr Dong lives and works , is one of China 's most famous tourist cities but is also a municipality of 11m people , bigger than Greater London .
For its part , Rome is eager to boost its presence and influence in the world 's most populous nation , which is home to an estimated 11m Catholics .
About 11m of these are thought to have " very low food security " , meaning someone in their home went hungry for lack of money to buy food , according to government data from 2006 .
Farmers have cut their use of potash due to the economic crisis , according to Wang Ling of China Fertilizer Market Week , but pre-crisis demand stood at about 11m tonnes annually .
The deal is to be all cash , but Xinke made a profit of just Rmb74m ( $ 11m ) last year , on revenues of Rmb5.8bn , according to stock exchange filings .