vocational experience

vocational experiencevocational experience
  1. Studying Foreign Vocational Education Experience to Construct Chinese Higher Vocational Education Mode


  2. The fourth part mainly discusses developing vocational training experience in foreign countries and the different experiences of vocational training for the system and summarizes the common characteristic .


  3. It 's very important to introduce foreign higher vocational education experience and models selectively and use them for reference to speed up China 's higher vocational education development .


  4. Learning from Vocational Education Experience of Holland to Speed up the Reform and Development of Higher Vocational Education of China Currently , how to assimilate the advanced music education experience from other countries is facing the music teachers .


  5. The Curriculum Reform of Secondary Vocational Education : Experience , Problems & Solutions


  6. On the Vocational College Teaching Experience in Photoshop


  7. Qualification and Standards of Australian Vocational Teachers & Experience of TAA Training Packages


  8. Therefore , to explore the way to run the application-oriented university , it is necessary to learn from the education mode of higher vocational education and experience of normal undergraduate education .


  9. Where the vocational college of management experience in equipment and workflow , and with reference to the best practices of other universities , conducted a device management system development .


  10. With success stories of foreign vocational education and relevant experience of vocational education : a " school-enterprise cooperation , enterprises to participate in " schools of vocational education is to solve the current and effective training methods .


  11. At IBM , where roughly 15 % of new hires in the US don 't have college degrees , CEO Ginni Rometty has said that vocational courses and on-the-job experience offer more relevant training for many tech sector positions than a four-year college degree .


  12. Comparing higher education , higher vocational curriculum mainly transfer vocational experience . Therefore , it should focus on construction of opening curriculum teaching mode .


  13. Discussion on the Inspiration to China 's Vocational Education of the Vocational Education Experience in the Developed Countries Study of Moral & Political Education Model for Higher Vocational College


  14. Postgraduate Vocational Self-concept involves7dimensions : vocational development , professional ability , vocational attitude and practical experience and relationships , vocational personality and family support . 3 .


  15. Reform and development of higher vocational education in our country must pay much attention to its theory study and using foreign vocational education experience as reference .
