unique situation

美 [juˈniːk ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃn]英 [juˈniːk ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃn]
  • 异乎寻常的局面
unique situationunique situation
  1. The geological unique situation of New Zealand .


  2. We view Greece as a unique situation in the eurozone , he said .


  3. Now , he relies on that experience to make this unique situation manageable .


  4. But a student or a student going into a job offer has a little bit of a unique situation .


  5. Meanwhile , one 's own particularity determined the unique situation that itself and writer 's modernity pursuit too .


  6. A unique situation arose at kesteven that autumn term .


  7. Yet , depending on the nature of your project , not all of these techniques will be appropriate for your unique situation .


  8. Through specific empirical research about unique situation of ethnic groups in Xiangxi , the study improve ethnic groups theory and promotes its application .


  9. A mortgage broker has access to hundreds of wholesale lenders who lend to people with credit issues or a unique situation .


  10. Right now the most important thing to be done is to gain a thorough knowledge of Northeast China 's unique situation and to find new ways for its development .


  11. With years of development , exploration and creation , diverse and unique situation comedies have sprung up in China which becomes indispensable TV programs for Chinese audiences .


  12. The only road to success will be creative thinking to develop a solution set applicable only to that unique situation and the flexibility to adjust as circumstances inevitably change .


  13. Shanhaiguan full attention to the layout of the ancient city of her military defense capabilities , the unique situation in the seven-city chain a unique identity .


  14. No matter which choice a student will finally make , he has to be extremely careful to look into his unique situation and consult the predecessors for their advice .


  15. From Red to Gray : Ageing Populations in East Europe and Central Asia : The region needs to get ready to grapple with a unique situation of rapidly aging yet relatively poor populations .


  16. " A hundred thousand francs ," he implored , and they watched him with a kind of shocked pity : he was the only rich man among them and this was a unique situation .


  17. A European banker who has been advising CIC on its overseas strategy says : This is a completely unique situation for Chinese bureaucrats to face – having their every decision debated , analysed and often attacked in the media and on the internet .


  18. Jon Latham , spokesman for NHS Blood and Transplant , said : This year we have a unique situation and need the public 's help to counterbalance the inevitable dip in donations as people celebrate a memorable summer for the country .


  19. Jon Latham , spokesman for NHS Blood and Transplant , said : " This year we have a unique situation and need the public 's help to counterbalance the inevitable dip in donations as people celebrate a memorable summer for the country . "


  20. Her teaching methods are very vivid and interesting , especially her unique " situation method " teaching mode is popular among children !


  21. According to Dalian unique development situation , I present " phased development " model to improve cluster development of modern service industry in Dalian .


  22. As a unique psychological situation , the aspiration of present college students serves as a barometer of history of present china .


  23. Shipai , which was called Stalingrad by Jiang Kai-shek , became a key place for the following victory of the battle due to its unique geographic situation .


  24. Due to its unique geographic situation , Dehong has several-thousand-kilometer-long boundary line with Burma , along which the overwhelming majority of inhabitants are trans-nationalities .


  25. However , the various countries and regions have unique economic situation , geographical features . At the same time , social economy is more and more complex nowadays , and each scholar has selected each different research methods , also produced different results .


  26. Yet , due to its unique geographical situation , traditional culture and folk customs , the folk dwellings in Shanxi Province possess its own characters in formation and carving , and become studying focal point in this article .


  27. Premised on the common rule , a thorough comparison of features of various industries should be carried so as to capture the nature and economic features of railroad industry , and hence its reform pattern which will take both the national background and unique road situation into consideration .


  28. Parent-child communication is , on the basis of parents and children 's consanguineous relationships , under the created unique family situation , based upon own role orientation and different attitudes , needs , the process which use all kind of communicate ways to convey information and communicating emotions .


  29. The external cause for this transformation is the unique historical situation Old English encountered , namely , the class language reality resulted from the Norman invasion , the low social status of English and the people who used it , and the absence of education and standard grammar paradigm .


  30. The relative fertile lithospheric characters of Yanshan area , unique plate tectonic situation and developed deep faults can explain reasons of the volcanism and tectonic events in Yanshan area throughout the Mesozoic .
