there is no plan

美 [ðer ɪz noʊ plæn]英 [ðeə(r) ɪz nəʊ plæn]
  • 网络没有计划
there is no planthere is no plan
  1. He said there is no plan yet to actually market the robot , though the sensor could be available as early as next year .


  2. But so what we need is a plan B. There is no plan B right now .


  3. Those names could be stored in the default localization file , even if there is no plan to provide actual localization .


  4. Where I am from , there is no Plan B.So , take advantage today because tomorrow is not promised .


  5. Morrell says the United States could be doing much more , but there is no plan to do anything without Burmese government permission .


  6. the answers become remarkably clear and unanimous . What we know is that , despite all the noise , the plan for health care in this country is that there is no plan .


  7. The " 20 per cent time " during which employees are allowed to pursue their own projects , for example , will remain in place and there is no plan for an overall audit of these schemes .


  8. Morrell says there is no plan for any U.S. military officials to hold talks with Iran , and he is not aware of any other plans in the U.S. government , beyond the U.S. - Iran-Iraq ambassadorial talks held from time to time in Baghdad .


  9. There is no credible plan for creating jobs and lifting incomes .


  10. Everything is so fluid right now , there is no concrete plan , said one person familiar with the process .


  11. The management of the prisoners there is no uniform plan and the provinces are mostly local conditions .


  12. So often it is pure serendipity there is no grand plan , no career map .


  13. Because of the shortened planning phase it looks like there is no detailed plan for the project , similar to a chaotic brute force coding approach .


  14. Although site plans , drawings of interior details , and delightful freehand sketches are all provided , there is no floor plan .


  15. " Right now , there is no specific plan , but to ensure the smooth running of the Olympics some sacrifices have to be made ," Bai said .


  16. What should worry Americans is that , with entitlement spending set to surge , there is no credible plan to bring the budget deficit under control over the medium term .


  17. There currently is no plan to again offer a diesel engine , but it was strongly hinted that a reborn Grand Cherokee SRT8 will appear in the next couple of years .


  18. The efficiency of service processing is an important factor of system performance . Especially when there is no scaling plan , improving the efficiency is the only way to improve system performance , which can protect legacy investments and make a great economic benefits .


  19. there is still no treatment plan for clearing the body of the virus .


  20. The main problems are : the number of specialties is small , there is no scientific teaching plan and the curriculum structure is simple ;


  21. When you are working a 12-14 hour day there is no time to plan , network or research other jobs and the quality of life is low .


  22. This argument is specious ; it is a little like saying that since we only take one step at a time there is no need to plan our route since one can make continuous decisions about where to turn next .


  23. There is as yet no business plan for that .


  24. There is no suggestion that the plan will adversely offect employment in the city .


  25. At present , there is no systemic management and plan for the hazardous solid wastes and its management is not included in the urban plan in China .


  26. But he admitted : There is no doubt that this plan is something that is going to increase the debt of the United States of America .


  27. Unlike other life experiences , such as retirement , there is no effective way to plan for a genuine market panic , said White House chief economic advisor Lawrence Lindsey .


  28. But in the most nearly three decades , the development about urban landscape color does not keep up with the ever-accelerating process of urbanization . However , so far there is no systemic study and plan for the landscape color in this district .


  29. Though the governments of the two places have already realized the ponderance of the problem and done one 's utmost to promote both the folk cooperation and the official side , there is no clear understanding and plan in which field will be done further for the two places .
