there are only two ways

There are only two ways that I can deal with things .
There are only two ways to solve them . One is through negotiation and the other is by force .
There are only two ways open to man for attaining a certain knowledge of truth clear intuition and necessary deduction .
In a currency union , with devaluation ruled out , there are only two ways of reducing unit labour costs relative to those of other members .
You can develop your personal power by always remembering that there are only two ways to get the things you want in life : You can do it all yourself , or you can get most of it done by others .
When you need to present a lot of information on a single page , there are only two ways to do that : either you use the entire width offered by a display or you just make use of vertical scrolling .
And since the return on assets in the business is stagnant , there are only two obvious ways to achieve these targets : taking excessive risk or gouging the customer .
The narrative forms of the beginning of the story may be diversified , but there are only two basic ways to construct the narrative setup of the novel : narrative of scene and narrative of panorama .