take sb aback
- 吓人一跳

These words all mean to make sb feel surprised.以上各词均含使惊奇、使诧异之义。
to give sb the feeling that you get when sth happens that you do not expect or do not understand, or sth that you do expect does not happen; to make sb feel surprised 指使惊奇、使诧异、使感到意外:
The outcome didn't surprise me at all.
to surprise sb suddenly in a way that slightly shocks or frightens them 指惊吓、使吓一跳、使大吃一惊:
Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.
The explosion startled the horse.
to surprise sb very much 指使惊奇、使惊愕、使惊诧:
Just the huge size of the place amazed her.
( rather informal ) (often in newspapers) to surprise or shock sb so much that they cannot think clearly or speak(常用于报章)指使震惊、使惊愕、使目瞪口呆
to surprise sb very much 指使十分惊讶、使大为惊奇:
The news astonished everyone.
These two words have the same meaning and in most cases you can use either. Astonish is in general slightly less frequent than amaze , but if you are talking about sth that both surprises you and makes you feel ashamed, it is more usual to use astonish . |
[usually passive] (especially of sth negative) to surprise or shock sb (尤指不好的事)使大吃一惊、使震惊:
We were rather taken aback by her hostile reaction.
to surprise or shock sb very much 指使震惊、使大惊:
His arrogance astounded her.