spring security

美 [sprɪŋ sɪˈkjʊrəti]英 [sprɪŋ sɪˈkjʊərəti]
  • 网络spring安全;弹簧安全
spring securityspring security
  1. Roo uses Spring Security to add security to your application in one line .


  2. Spring Security is a powerful and highly customizable authentication and access-control framework .


  3. This command will add all the required Spring Security JARs and will set up the basic security for your application .


  4. Work has been started to get tooling support for this valuable enhancement right with the initial release of Spring Security .


  5. Spring Security ( aka Acegi ) will add comprehensive configuration namespaces in the coming version .


  6. Ryan Heaton has implemented OAuth for Spring security which can be found here .


  7. For example , the security setup command , which installs Spring Security into the project , is not visible until the project is a web application .


  8. In this case , Roo has merely provided a template for Spring Security , and it is our responsibility to customize it to our needs .


  9. Ben also talked about advanced web security requirements like method level authorization , JSR-250 for defining method security metadata , Spring Security method metadata , and domain access control .


  10. We covered a lot of features , like JPA , Selenium testing , Spring Security , email integration , Spring Roo social features , database reverse-engineering , etc.


  11. This paper completes the basic data management functions of account , role and right modules , and extends security authentication , access control and session management , authentication data source in Spring Security .


  12. Using Spring Security is the way to go when we are using Spring frameworks as a whole or when the software architect knows that they will not need intensive security integration scenarios .


  13. This paper introduces the framework of SSH and Spring Security , improves application development efficiency of the security module , separates the development of security module and service module and reduces the code coupling .


  14. The official support comes on the heels of community efforts to integrate Spring and Spring Security with BlazeDS .


  15. The SPRiNG is a security protocol on authentication which adopt the way of mutual-authentication and dynamic key to ensure the security of MAC layer on its transfer process .


  16. This paper introduces the use and merit of MTHT spring buffer type cage security holding device .
