secret writing
- 网络密写;保密信件

Burst transceiver , one shot pad for cipher code , or secret writing devices ;
Cryptography is the art of " secret writing ," as the word 's Greek roots attest .
although it was said that when Professor Adcock first arrived at the station , a little boy shouted ' I 'll read your secret writing , mister ! ' in a most disconcerting way .
The secret of writing good advertising copy is to offer a good idea as well as a product .
A secret method of writing .
Cryptograph : a system of secret or cipher writing ; a cipher .
On one occasion mum admitted that she had always had a secret dream of writing a novel .
Runic writing ( imitated from the Greek or Latin letters ) was a purely secret form of writing , used only for religious magic .
Secret of popular writing is never to put more on a given page than the common reader can lap off it with no strain whatsoever on his habitually slack attention .
The procedure for current review of death sentences , actively instituted with secret trial in writing by the court , is the internal procedure without the legalization of defendant 's defense .
The 50-year-old singer revealed his deepest desire in his secret diary , writing : ' If I don 't concentrate ( on ) film , no immortalization . '
Taylor posted the photo on Sunday and kept the caption purposefully vague , by keeping the location a secret and simply writing : ' Bare feet in the sand on a Saturday * '