provide relief
- 提供宽慰(或缓解、救济)

The undulating planes of the countryside provide relief from the hard horizontals and verticals of the urban scene .
She outlined what was being done to provide relief .
It is also possible that they could provide relief for markets that face shortages of liquidity .
When ordinary laws can 't provide relief , mother or original constitution should provide it .
The U.S. is often one of the first countries to provide relief to areas of the world in severe need .
In the dissolution phase , the law is the main way to provide relief for the intellectual property disputes .
Therefore , when the fact actions be against legitimate rights and interests , the law should provide relief .
Some say its spine-strengthening qualities provide relief from back injuries and neck pain .
Aid agencies say rising insecurity in Afghanistan is hampering efforts to provide relief .
Splints and supports can provide relief for elbows and knees .
He was planning to return this month but will now be traveling much sooner to provide relief aid .
In disaster response , activity summarization may be used to provide relief assistance in the aftermath of natural disasters .
If there 's no medical cause , your doctor may refer you to a sleep specialist to provide relief .
Together , they have the world 's largest capacity to provide relief in any war zone , disaster area or natural catastrophe .
The Yao Ming Foundation was founded to provide relief following a massive earthquake in the Sichuan province of China in 2008 .
Conclusions Our results agree with reports that epilepsy surgery can provide relief from catastrophic epilepsy in carefully selected infants .
To provide relief to victims , to achieve social fairness and justice , risk responsibility system was formed , and continues to develop .
It would provide relief to struggling states that would help save the jobs of thousands of teachers and cops and firefighters .
You can obtain more information on how the pill might provide relief from monthly cramps by visiting the sites I 've recommended .
It still maintains one manufacturing line in the U.S. & special pillows that provide relief for allergy sufferers and those with skin disorders .
In order to provide relief for refugees , maintain social stability , to increase rear grain yield , Shaanxi province launched the Reclaim wasteland operation .
In a few cases , both the case law and the UCC provide relief from the requirement of strict compliance with the terms of the contract .
Civil retrial procedure refers to the special proceedings to provide relief for those litigants whose legitimate rights and interests are damaged by wrong judgments .
We will reduce and exempt taxes in disaster-afflicted rural areas and provide relief to the affected people who have difficulties in their production and daily lives .
China 's consumer price inflation stayed benign last month , continuing to provide relief for consumers who are struggling with effects of the nation 's economic growth slowdown .
One approach that can provide relief for you , or for customers who are facing this problem , is to use the processor affinity setting methods available on the operating systems .
Taiwan 's Defense Ministry has dispatched more than 55000 soldiers and 200 military vehicles while trying to stand by and provide relief and rescue assistance .
The resolution also called on president Bush to provide relief aid and expressed the Senate 's willingness to provide additional resources to help those affected by the quake .
This part has selected the method which the case analysis and the theoretical analysis unify , needed to provide relief the situation to three kind of different main bodies to carry on the summary elaboration .
Through the improvement of the constitution of private property rights , the construction of unconstitutional reviewing system and the system of constitutional interpretation to provide relief for the protection of private property rights .