pour down

美 [pɔːr daʊn]英 [pɔː(r) daʊn]
  • 网络倾泻;倾盆大雨;倾盆而下
pour downpour down


drink down entirely
He downed three martinis before dinner
She killed a bottle of brandy that night
They popped a few beer after work
Synonym: toss off pop bolt down belt down down drink down kill


  1. Rain started to pour down relentlessly .


  2. Like a rain of bullets , blobs of sulphur would pour down on us .


  3. The rain continued to pour down .


  4. Holidaymakers continued to pour down to the coast in search of surf and sun


  5. The rain start to pour down at the moment , stay here long time please .


  6. He was so worried that sweat began to pour down his face .


  7. Excuse me . Could I get a , uh , pour down here , please ? -


  8. Blessings pour down , fates changed in China .


  9. Just as the television cameras started rolling , it began to pour down with rain .


  10. When it rains , it 'll pour down here .


  11. It was all fun and frolics until it began to pour down with rain .


  12. Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening , and thunder rolled . Rain started to pour down .


  13. Products design uses waterfall as model image and will pour down like waterfall airstream which brings ample ions to let people feel brisk and calm .


  14. The malice of the planet Saturn will pour down like rain , killing mortal men as though with a curved sickle .


  15. Will pour down on the giver .


  16. The morning will surely come , the darkness will vanish , and thy voice pour down in golden streams breaking through the sky .


  17. Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening thunder rolled and boomed . Rain started to pour down relentlessly .


  18. The morning will surely come , the darkness will vanish , and tht voice pour down in golden streams breaking trough the sky .


  19. Riding on a raft and reaching its foot , three sections of falls pour down directly like flying dragon turning around and going to the mountain from here .


  20. Overhead ventilator extracting daylight gives to life natural spirit , brings more vigour and add color , natural light shooting at right angles pour down , belong to class 's honour line of sight .


  21. But even this last retreat was now closed to them , and the lava-torrent , flowing over the edge of the granite wall , began to pour down upon the beach its cataracts of fire .


  22. Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening thunder rolled and boomed . Rain started to pour down relentlessly . The colors crouched down in fear , drawing close to one another for comfort .


  23. Pinocchio had no hat , but he managed to get under the window just in time to feel a shower of ice-cold water pour down on his poor wooden head , his shoulders , and over his whole body .


  24. Therefore I will make Samaria as an heap of the field , and as plantings of a vineyard : and I will pour down the stones thereof into the valley , and I will discover the foundations thereof .


  25. When I was thirsty , I would stand under a tap and let its running water pour down my throat through my wide-open mouth . I felt bloated . There was a pain and chill in my stomach . I cannot tell you enough how miserable I was .


  26. When rain falls , the leaves carry the refreshing5 water to the centre of the rosette , and pour it down among the roots .


  27. Well the best way is to use a Neti pot specifically designed to pour water down your nose .


  28. Wait . What do you mean , you didn 't pour it down her throat ? Did you get her drunk ?


  29. I laid him out in a second with a stick , and Jim grabbed pap 's whisky-jug and begun to pour it down .


  30. The French crowds pour like lemmings down the motorway to Paris .
