personal influence

美 [ˈpɜːrsənl ˈɪnfluəns]英 [ˈpɜːsənl ˈɪnfluəns]
  • 网络个人影响力;个人影响;对人的影响;人际影响;亲身影响
personal influencepersonal influence
  1. In the third stage , scholars from Columbia School introduce the variables of personal influence and social structure into media effects research and look for their interaction with media effects ;


  2. The article tries to discuss the role of China 's traditional culture in the development of ' personal influence ' model .


  3. Discussion on The Personal Influence of the Physical Education Teacher


  4. In many parts of the world , personal influence is essential in achieving success .


  5. Study on Personal Influence of the Basketball Coach


  6. What matters most : personal influence or impersonal influence ?


  7. Discussion on the Personal Influence of the Coaches


  8. The role of personal influence in social combination process of group decision making : an extension of SDS theory


  9. Ouyang 's personal influence and many-faceted activity had a lasting effect .


  10. Research has proven the existence of ' personal influence ' model in the practice of public relations in Far Eastern countries .


  11. The personal influence of the manager varies from hotel to hotel according to the policies of the owners .


  12. The only explanation is available , the company has been out of the Wong Kwong Yu 's personal influence .


  13. The regulation warns against the role of personal influence and social relationships in deciding whether an inmate qualifies for either commutation or parole .


  14. Logistics is hit by the information containing now that the information using personal influence but coming into being including accompaniment stream , also includes information happening other than but having effect to logistics activity in logistics .


  15. They are : good psychological personality , personal influence , professional knowledge and skill , teaching and expressing ability in class , social communication ability , career morality and communication , self development and creativity , ability of organize manage and coordinate .


  16. This has expected and Liang Zhou for a short while having translated the magnanimous Buddhism ancient book and record , has appeared everywhere to open cave statue in large scale waiting for Buddhist ceremony to use personal influence .


  17. It analyzes the directed function of vogue magazine to fashion , and the popular book , the popular movies and television drama , the dress of the stars , pop music , foreign culture and personal influence that appreciates beauty .


  18. And the competency model includes 12 competencies which are achievement orientation , initiative , interpersonal insight , customer orientation , personal influence , ability in public relations , commanding , analyzing ability , information-searching ability , self-confidence , self-control , and flexibility .


  19. But , the water resource which is that life produces , the industrial park builds with developing , coal develops the important source of water waiting to use personal influence owe area people of the the tu wei river drainage area in the Yu Shen Mining .


  20. If the application must be made to Mr Dombey at all , which was awful to think of , Walter felt that he would rather prefer it alone and unassisted , than backed by the personal influence of Captain Cuttle , to which he hardly thought Mr Dombey would attach much weight .


  21. In other words , student 's personal characteristics influence the perception to classroom achievement goal orientation .


  22. Parts of personal attributes influence on the retired military officers ' satisfaction with the government arrangement factors .


  23. And love thinking of the traditional functions of the moral content of a very broad , including traditional ideology and ethics of the spirit of love , the traditional thought of ancient China Charity personal moral influence , Ren aid into the ceremony on the ancient Chinese society .


  24. They often regard good social relations as a symbol of personal ability and influence .


  25. Whether and how does the reconstruction of personal relation networks influence the structure of urban community ?


  26. May : Thanks , but I don 't want my personal affairs to influence the company .


  27. Besides , O'Neill 's family tragedy and personal suffering also influence his tragic thought .


  28. Understanding how personal traits can influence your finances is an essential ingredient for building wealth .


  29. He never let his fame and personal affairs to influence his judgment and determination of implementation of the public policy .


  30. Both risk event characteristics and personal characters can influence subjects perception , and accordingly disturb psychology and behaviour .
