perfectly innocent
- 完全没有恶意

It was a perfectly innocent question .
It was a perfectly innocent question . Why get so worked up about it ?
While this might seem perfectly innocent , the link will not work at all if JavaScript is not enabled .
It was a perfectly innocent remark .
However , this perfectly innocent scene held intrigue for a fellow passenger-no normal person but an expert : a psychology professor .
Both blacklist services and most website filtering software suffer from similar limitations and run the risk of letting some inappropriate content slip through or of blocking perfectly innocent sites .
Talk about typing a word into the Google machine for perfectly innocent reasons and getting completely perturbing results for your efforts . Diamonds concocted from tequila , panda poop used as compost , uncontrollable coffee mugs , strangely swishy ponytails and the brain activity of dead salmon were some of the tame ones .