pale skin
- 苍白的肌肤

I 'd never seen him dress in black before , and , with the contrast against his pale skin , his beauty was absolutely surreal .
Speed , strength , beauty , pale skin , eyes that shift color ; and then Jacob 's criteria : blood drinkers , enemies of the werewolf , cold-skinned , and immortal .
Veins showed through her pale skin .
Strong colours would flatter her pale skin and dark hair
Andrea has medium brown hair , grey eyes and very pale skin
I have very pale skin that never tans
The preference for pale skin dates way back to when agriculture and civilization first appeared .
You can see her when the blue moonlight reflects across her pale skin .
Where Chinese may be obsessed with pale skin , Americans are obsessed with tanned skin .
He was an unattractive man with staring eyes and an oddly pale skin .
Americans of European descent tend to have naturally pale skin , but they want that sun-tanned look .
Check to see if the victim has blue or pale skin or low body temperature , as these can be signs of hypothermia .
As Johnny 's blood siphoned into Mary 's veins , her pale skin began to turn pink .
An ancient-looking human , he had pale skin , and searing , sickly yellow eyes .
The wound itself was treated , but the scar remains , dark and ugly against his pale skin , covering his heart .
All of the contestants have dark , long hair ; fair , pale skin ; big eyes and a perfect , bright white smile .
B. Trauma patients with tachycardia , slow capillary refill , and cool , pale skin should be assumed to have shock .
The bold shade was a dramatic opposition to her pale skin , while the peek-a-boo panels added sex appeal .
It was easier to detect illness and marks of disease on a woman with pale skin as opposed to a woman with darker skin .
Ice trolls are massive barbaric creatures of pale skin and more than twice the girth of their southern counterparts .
She has long black hair and pale skin and wears red eye shadow to the office , where she always has a ready smile for her colleagues .
From a Darwinist perspective , some anthropologists believe that men were attracted to women with pale skin for reasons having to do with natural selection .
Scientists already know that the gene in question , known as MC1R , is responsible for producing red hair and pale skin , according to the report in the journal Current Biology .
I could see his hand on his left leg was clenched into a fist , tendons standing out under his pale skin . This , too , he never relaxed .
Shock , with diminished consciousness , lack of urine output , cool , moist extremities , a rapid and feeble pulse , low or undetectable blood pressure , and pale skin .
The wrinkles in hava rexha 's pale skin were carved by a life spanning three centuries , under Ottoman Turkish rule , Albanian monarchy , Italian occupation .
The sunny hue is drop-dead gorgeous with her pale skin and red hair , while the sleek top and voluminous skirt emphasize her toned upper body and tiny waist .
Dark yellow or mustard suits pale skin tones , while women with an olive complexion should go for lemon yellows , bold yellows , or even super bright yellow which will make their skin glow .
With his pale skin , green eyes and light brown hair , Jonah , now three months old , looks like any other new-born baby - but , when seen in his mother 's arms , his uniqueness is obvious .
The teen went viral after launching into a Twitter tirade attacking everything from Brits ' pale skin to their food choices and turn of phrase - and , naturally , Brits weren 't very happy about it .