most durable
- adj.耐用的;持久的
- durable的最高级

A good shingle roof is a most durable type of roof .
In this article : never mind that there are radical changes to the newest model of one of the world 's most durable cars , the volkswagen .
The most durable changes usually come from below .
Series 7 is the most durable Apple Watch we 've ever built .
What kind be the most durable ?
Tech billionaires in particular tend to be most durable , the report notes .
This makes the Chicopee Separator the most durable and the best performing filter out there .
Rich coached track at Kennedy and was perhaps the best and most durable bicyclist in the League .
Interstate compacts are one of the most durable mechanisms used by several states to solve regional or national problems , and are legalized by U.
Its most durable isotope survives only about 200,000 years-a minute span on a stellar scale .
Of all Arabians , one of the most durable must have been the stallion called Maidan .
Situation comedy , or sitcom , has been one of the most durable and most popular television genres in the United States of America .
Let me start with the economy , and a basic fact : the United States of America , right now , has the strongest , most durable economy in the world .
In fact , fossil teeth are the most durable remnants that anthropologists work with , and some of these ancient teeth display a curious set of grooves .
It has a Mohs rating of9 and is excellent for daily wear as it is the most durable of the colored gemstones , combined with great beauty .
The most durable of the earth-Building forms , it is formed into Building Blocks ( see adobe ) or rammed within removable wooden forms in layers or lifts to construct walls .
The analysis results show that most of durable goods have quality growth , but there exist some obvious differences between different durable goods'quality growth velocities .
The ability to read is acknowledged to be the most stable and durable of the foreign language modalities .
Wider social development , such as it is , has been dependent on other external aid , of which the most effective and durable bilateral programme has been that of the UK .
Dominic : But if you read the reviews , you 'll know which product gives you the best value , which is the most reliable and durable , and which company has good customer support .
The development of literature is influenced by many a factor , in which the instinct and wisdom of a people is the most significant and durable , since they come from blood , the blood origin passed down through generations .
Adult plant resistance is relative to the durable resistance to stripe rust in wheat and adult plant resistance might be one of the most important component of durable resistance .
So long as consumers see prices continuing to fall , they will hold off making anything but the most essential purchases . durable goods ; durables : Any consumer good which has a significant life and which is not therefore immediately consumed .
Humanistic quality is one of the most essential resource developments , the most durable power .