hiking trail

美 [ˈhaɪkɪŋ treɪl]英 [ˈhaɪkɪŋ treɪl]
  • 远足路线
hiking trailhiking trail
  1. You two are gonna take the North hiking trail .


  2. Hiking trail patrolling duty [ Civil Aid Service ]


  3. Wilderness therapy is a successful , and sometimes controversial , way to help troubled youth by teaching life and social skills on the hiking trail .


  4. Any hiker should have his wits about him when walking on this hiking trail .


  5. But do not stick around your neighborhood & check out a hiking trail , or kick off your shoes and go jogging on the beach .


  6. THIS is arguably America 's greatest hiking trail , a 2650-mile serpentine path running through desert and wilderness from the Mexican border to the Canadian border .


  7. If this sounds easy , then you probably haven 't ever been on a sailboat , ski slope , hiking trail or golf course with a perfectly outfitted , exceedingly proficient and overly gung-ho spouse .


  8. Their crude editing skills saw Seve plonked on to the Great Wall of China , placed bare-foot on the world 's most dangerous hiking trail , and stand awkwardly with a group of tourists in front of a temple .


  9. MTR Tung Chung Station Exit B , take bus no.23 to Po Lin Monastery , follow the HKTB directional sign to Tea Garden , walk through the hiking trail from the entrance of Tea Garden for15 mins .


  10. I was just hiking off the trail when I heard the crash .


  11. At the time , Sanford claimed to be hiking the Appalachian Trail .


  12. After another two hours of hiking , the winding trail abruptly ended at a clearing , and before us was a mass of holes that could fit into the size of a football field ,
