high fives

美 [haɪ faɪvz]英 [haɪ faɪvz]
  • n.相互高举胳膊击掌(以示庆祝或高兴)
  • high five的复数
high fiveshigh fives
  1. But I say give me multiple high fives .


  2. People began cheering and giving each other high fives .


  3. Alice slapped them dainty high fives .


  4. Inside Obama 's Chicago campaign headquarters , staffers erupted into cheers and high fives as state after state was called for the president .


  5. In the series , Barney gives the most high fives out of any other character , and he often modifies the style of the high five to suit the situation .


  6. No high fives . You can 't tell me to " bring it , " " shut it down , " or " put our cupcake business on the map . "


  7. For several moments there was stunned silence before people broke into applause and high fives said Phillip Akhavan , a merchants relations worker whose $ 43000 salary immediately jumped 16 % to $ 50000 .
