health the world

That 's the stark warning from Australian researchers about the health of the world 's largest reef system .
The Company is dedicated to improving people 's health throughout the world .
We need to learn more about the health of the world 's ecosystems .
Immunization has played a huge role in better child health throughout the world .
Smoking is now the biggest threat to the peoples health in the world .
Background Breast cancer is still one of the most common malignant tumor threatening to female health in the world .
Objective : Currently the malignant tumor is one of diseases which endanger seriously the human life and health in the world .
That 's why health experts the world over are concerned about the increasing number of people with high blood pressure , even in developing countries .
On the contrary , continued economic growth in the developing countries has an important part to play in supporting the health of the world economy .
It 's a view shared by Elizabeth Lule , adviser in Population and Reproductive Health at the World Bank .
Increasing gloom over the health of the world economy has helped to shove down oil prices at a dizzying rate since the summer .
We welcome this very generous donation by GlaxoSmithKline , which will go to protect the health of the world 's poorest people .
The study , from Stanford University in the United States , makes gloomy assessments about the future health of the world 's coral reefs .
Bacillary dysentery is a very significant etiopathogenisis of infectious diarrhea . Presently it is still a very important problem of public health in the world especially in developing counties .
At the same time it contains many minerals , in particular with the necessary human ," Strontium " and many trace elements , it will use the discovery and development of human health around the world .
As a new summary measure of population health in the World Health Report 2000 , WHO initiated disability-adjusted life expectancy ( DALE ) to assess the health performance in all member countries .
If Dr Nochi 's finding can be translated into a product that is safe and effective for people , it will be a big boost to the health of the world 's poor .
Developing an effective synthetic peptide vaccine is an important strategy for the immunological control of schistosomiasis which is one of the major parasitic diseases seriously affecting human health in the world , especially in the developing countries .
Esophageal cancer , which its morbidity and mortality is the fourth in China , is one of the eight most common malignant neoplasm , and a serious threat to the human life and health in the world .
As credit lines gum up and outsiders plead for action , it is not just the euro that is at risk , but the future of the European Union and the health of the world economy .
Cardiovascular diseases have the highest Incidence rate to induce morbidity and mortality , which has been a serious threat to human health in the world . Early quantitative diagnosis of cardiovascular disease and risk assessment play key roles in extending human expectancy life .
Co-chaired by Fiji and Sweden , the five-day UN Ocean Conference aims to reverse the decline in the health of the world 's oceans , and urges support for the implementation of UN Sustainable Development Goal 14 : Conserve and sustainably use the oceans , seas and marine resources for sustainable development .
Health systems around the world are in dire or full to work by themselves and thus ensure enough oxygen is continuing to circulate around the body as the patient recovers .
While health authorities around the world are collecting and sharing data on the spread of the new variant , the fear is that in countries in the developing world with less robust monitoring systems , the Delta variant may already have spread much further than has been reported .
Status of nursing occupational safety and health education in the world
WHO looks out for the public health security of the world .
Health officials around the world are concerned about vaccine production .
In health specifically , the World Bank Group activities are intensifying
Osteoporosis is becoming one of the major public health problems throughout the world .
Final Evaluation of Health Education in the World Bank Loan National Schistosomiasis Control Program