haploid breeding
- 单倍体育种

Recently , haploid breeding is gradually developed .
Research advances of haploid breeding of cucumber
Development in the Research of Technology of Haploid Breeding in Maize
Applications of plant cell and tissue culture in haploid breeding
Studies on Culture Medium of Wheat Haploid Breeding
Haploid breeding is a powerful tool to enhance breeding process and improve breeding efficiency .
Efficient green plant regeneration from Barley Anther Culture applied to double haploid breeding
Current Advances in Anther Culture and Haploid Breeding of Maize
Techniques of radiation induced haploid breeding of Wheat
The research development of pepper ( C.annuum ) haploid breeding technology in the world
The present study provides a basis for haploid breeding of A. annua in the future .
Haploid Breeding and Gene Transformation of Maize
Development of New Variety of Avena Nuda Huazhong 21 by Adopting Anther Haploid Breeding Method
The technology of anthers culture in vitro is one of the best effective methods of modern biology breeding for plant haploid breeding .
Gene engineering , seed irradiation , and haploid breeding have been the important technology methods and become the new ways of germplasm enhancement .
Progress of Haploid Breeding in Cruciferae Crops
Enhance the Efficiency of Haploid Breeding and the Character of Fertility Reversal of Sterile Pollen Plants in Photosensitive Male Sterile Rice
In-Vitro Anther Culture and Haploid Breeding of Solanum melongena
We also listed the major problems in the research of pepper haploid breeding technology and made prospects of the potential application of anther and isolated microspore culture .
Following anther culture method a new method of wheat haploid breeding which is established on combination of conventional breeding with biotechniques is first introduced into readers in this paper .
Haploid breeding is a method of doubling the spontaneous or artifical haploid with colchicum , and selecting the super doubled lines .
On the basis of the experiment , the first new variety of Avena Nuda Huazhong 21 in the world is bred by using anther haploid breeding technique .
The haploid breeding of maize is a technology that using anther culture or gynogenesis to produce haploid , and then obtain stable new varieties through natural or artificial doubling .
Studies on the Mechanism and Application of wheat Haploids Induced by Alien Cytoplasms ⅱ . A Primary Study on the Exprission of Ptg Gene and Its Utilization in Wheat Haploid Breeding
Therefore you can defect the microspore cytology growing period according to the shape , size , color of the flower organ . So the research will be applied to direct suitable inoculation period in haploid breeding .
Biotechnology has been applied widely in lily breeding , such as in vitro conservation of germplasm , embryo culture to overcome the incompatibility of distant hybridization , anther culture and haploid breeding , genetic modification , tissue culture and so on .
Haploid breeding technique , mainly involving anther culture , plays a very important role in idioplasm melioration in plants . Now it has been broadly applied to the fields of agriculture and horticulture . Haploid breeding technique has some dominant characteristics as compared with other breeding methods .
Stable-lines could be developed through platform of microspore culture derived DH ( double haploid ) breeding technique within two years and stable variety could be produced within 4 years .
Characterized by its high efficiency and low cost , the double haploid ( DH ) breeding method is a very important research area in modern biotechnological plant breeding , and wide use of it has been made in agriculture as well as horticulture crops .
At present , haploid plants through anther culture of haploid breeding generated the double haploid plants , can shorten the breeding period , simplified selection process .