hammerhead sharks
- 双髻鲨科

Hammerhead sharks swim toward a ' cleaning station , " where small fishes help them to get rid of parasites , Cocos Island , Costa-Rica
BOB DOUGHTY : Hammerhead sharks have nostrils that are more widely spaced than those of sharks with pointed noses .
Ultraviolet rays don 't just bronze sunseekers on the beach . Underwater , they can give hammerhead sharks a suntan .
I also learned that some of the biggest sharks are not carnivores , so they don 't attack like the really vivious ones , like Great White sharks or Hammerhead sharks .
If Google has its way , hammerhead sharks will swim through your office , elephants will fit in the palm of your hand and dragons will fly among the birds .
It was discovered in 1987 by a group of divers who were there to observe Hammerhead sharks , and it immediately sparked a huge amount of debate in the Japanese scientific community .
On the other hand , parthenogenesis ( the scientific term for virgin birth ) is common among other creatures in nature . Hammerhead sharks , komodo dragons , mole salamanders , and an assortment of other reptiles , fish and insects can all produce offspring without mating .
Some species of shark have been depleted by70 per cent and a few , such as smooth hammerhead , bull sharks and tiger sharks , by90 per cent or more .