granulite facies
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Recent research indicates that the preservation of granulite facies must have accompanied by melt loss .
A present study and comment on granulite facies terrene
Genetic information from fluid studies of granulite facies metamorphism
Experimental study of melting reaction and genetic mechanism of mineral phase trans - formation in granulite facies metamorphism
Nwe findings of low pressure granulite facies metamorphic age in the Yunkai uplift
The metamorphic characteristics of granulite facies rocks in the laixi-pingdu area in eastern Shandong Province
The parent magma of several rock series formed earliest originated from the lower crust of granulite facies ;
The age of the Altun granulite facies complex and the basement of the Tarim Basin
Low-pressure metamorphism of granulite facies in an early Proterozoic orogenic event in central Inner Mongolia
Characteristics and Temperature-Pressure Conditions for Crystallization of Pyroxene in Archean Granulite Facies of Inner Mongolia
Pan-African Granulite Facies Metamorphism in the Grove Mountains East Antarctica
Characteristics of the Early Remnant Mineral Associations in Granulite facies Rocks from the Larsemann Hills , East Antarctica and Their Metamorphic Conditions
CONTRASTING ARCHAEAN GRANULITE FACIES ROCKS FROM EASTERN HEBEI , NORTH CHINA Analysis on diagenesis difference and controlling factors of deep buried glutenite reservoirs of Shengli Oilfield
A granulite facies belt of the middle-west part en North Margin of North China craton : an early Precambrian continent - continent collision orogenic belt
Complex granulite facies xenolith types and distinct formation conditions indicate that the lower crust beneath Nushan was constructed by multi-periodic magmatism in different tectonic settings .
A banded or foliated metamorphic rock , usually of the same composition as granite . CONTRASTING ARCHAEAN GRANULITE FACIES ROCKS FROM EASTERN HEBEI , NORTH CHINA
Granulite facies ultrahigh temperature metamorphism ( G-UHTM ) is documented in the rock record predominantly from Neoarchean to Cambrian ;
Their country rocks are the Neo - Archaean Dabie complex which has experienced regional metamorphism of amphibolite - granulite facies and migmatization .
These theoretical and experimental results have important significance for an in depth study on the feature of metamorphic reaction and the genetic mechanism of mineral phases transformation in granulite facies metamorphism of khondalite series .
The granulite facies retrograded stage with calcite + dolomite + diopside + ilmenite + phlogopite + spinel ± orthopyroxene ;
Granulite facies pelitic gneiss and mafic granulite outcropping in the Larsemann Hills , East Antarctica , underwent a complicated deformational metamorphic history .
The granulite facies is Indosinian-late Hercynian ( ca. 220-270 Ma ), and this is the youngest granulite in the Qinling area .
The SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age of granulite facies metamorphism of the garnet two-pyroxene-plagioclase granulite is 507.7 ± 8.3 Ma ( 2 σ) .
The metamorphic peak of the Pan-African rocks is not under low-to medium-pressure granulite facies conditions , as previously thought , but reaches as high as 850-950 ℃ and 0.90-0.95 GPa .
In the regional geologic investgation ( 1 ∶ 50 000 ) the high grade metamorphic area was found for the first time in the Liuhe area , Jilin province , the degree of metamorphism can be granulite facies .
The granulite facies were resulted from the regional high-temperature metamorphism with medium pressure . The metamorphism evolution was the retrogressive metamorphism with approximate isobaric cooling ( IBC ) and counter clockwise PTt path .
Studies of the optical properties of these minerals and the partitioning coefficients of Fe , Mg , Ca and Na in ferromagnesian minerals indicate that these minerals are characteristic of the granulite facies and in equilibrium with one another .
These data suggest that the granulite facies metamorphism lasted for about 27 Ma and was related to crustal thickening associated with the Early Paleozoic continental collision between the Qilian and Qaidam blocks , and to subsequent thermal relaxation and exhumation .
The Archaean rocks widely exposed in the area studied belong to the Qian-xi Group of granulite facies , including granulite , charnockite , pyroxene ( and / or amphibole ) - plagioclase gneiss , amphibolite and so on .
The upper crust is mainly composed of slates , phyllites , schists , granulite of greenschist facies ( partly low-amphibolite facies ) and granite intrusions , and sedimentary rocks at the top .