get under way

美 [ɡet ˈʌndər weɪ]英 [ɡet ˈʌndə(r) weɪ]
  • 网络开始;开始进行
get under wayget under way

These words are all used to talk about things happening from the beginning, or people doing the first part of sth.以上各词均用以指事情开始发生或开始做某事。

to begin to happen or exist; to begin in a particular way or from a particular point 指开始发生或存在、以…开始、以…为起点:

When does the class start?


to start to happen or exist; to start in a particular way or from a particular point; to start speaking 指开始发生或存在、以…开始、以…为起点、开始讲话:

When does the concert begin?


There is not much difference in meaning between these words. Start is more frequent in spoken English and in business contexts; begin is more frequent in written English and is often used when you are describing a series of events.

Start is not used to mean ‘begin speaking’.

( rather informal ) to start happening or doing sth; to start by doing or being sth 指进行或开展起来、首先进行、一开始是:

The discussion started off mildly enough.


( informal ) to start an event or activity, especially in a particular way; (of an event, activity, etc.) to start, especially in a particular way 尤指以…开始(活动)、(活动)以…开始:

Tom will kick off with a few comments.


The festival kicks off on Monday, September 13.


( formal ) to start happening 指开始发生:

The meeting is scheduled to commence at noon.


to start an event or activity in a particular way; (of an event, film/movie or book) to start, especially in a particular way 指以…开始(活动)、(活动、电影或书)以…开头/开篇:

The story opens with a murder.


to start 指开始:

Preparations have got under way for a week of special events in May.


  1. Let 's get under way , we 're already late .


  2. He give his consent for the project to get under way .


  3. If so , formal talks may get under way as early as next week .


  4. Because of the delay , the ship did not get under way until midnight .


  5. Formal negotiations on a new treaty are unlikely to get under way until 2015 .


  6. The same process will get under way as the company prepares for its tour of the United states .


  7. Campaigning for Afghanistan 's presidential election run-off is due to officially get under way .


  8. Soon after the Renaissance get under way , its progress was made to grow rapidly by the influence of non-religious learning .


  9. The visit will take place before regular meetings get under way in Tokyo at the fourth such annual summit among the three countries .


  10. A hearing is set to get under way on Capitol Hill next hour into the problems at Arlington National Cemetery .


  11. Relief efforts are beginning to get under way , with the United Nations pledging to send aid quickly to the earthquake zone .


  12. Tokyo 's opening ceremony was watched by 36 % fewer Americans on the day than watched Rio get under way in 2016 .


  13. As preparations for the G20 summit get under way , finance ministers meeting in London deserve credit for averting economic apocalypse .


  14. A much grander project about to get under way is a 29-km bridge linking Hong Kong with Macao and Zhuhai .


  15. As preparations for the 2010 Commonwealth Games get under way , however , New Delhi is debating whether the host city should amend the situation .


  16. She urged support for a proposal to postpone auctions of 900m permits while discussions get under way on a more fundamental fix .


  17. Officials of the 21 member economies began formal talks on Sunday , and top-level discussions get under way tomorrow , with separate two-day summits for finance and foreign ministers .


  18. The same process will get under way as the company prepares for its tour of the United States . We are not ready to go into production yet . The new switch mechanism isn 't fully tested out .


  19. When formal talks get under way they are likely to focus on the establishment of a transitional Government of National Unity and the positions in that government of opposition leaders , including Morgan Tsvangirai .


  20. A number of protests have erupted when residents have learned of potentially hazardous projects only as construction is about to get under way , though in Jiangmen authorities said they notified the public well in advance of the project 's planned start date , according to state media .


  21. To get business under way , we take your price .


  22. To get business under way , we 'll agree to take this as an exceptional case .


  23. So this autumn the government is on an all-out mission to unblock the system and get projects under way .


  24. To get things under way , you just need to get a reference to the singleton and then tell it where your dictionaries are .


  25. In the early going a candidate 's ability to raise funds to support a staff and get a campaign under way is an important consideration .
