fail to capture

美 [feɪl tu ˈkæptʃər]英 [feɪl tu ˈkæptʃə(r)]
  • 未能擒获
fail to capturefail to capture
  1. And direct trade data fail to capture other transmission mechanisms , for example , via financial markets .


  2. What is more , official sales figures fail to capture the explosive growth of online shopping in China .


  3. Markets become less-than-optimal allocators of resources when they fail to capture externalities in market prices .


  4. It is better to capture a large record and not need it , than it is to fail to capture one when it really is needed .


  5. By combining a multi-graph model and the user brush and the global energy optimization model , we present more fast and accurate object segmentation results . Secondly , when extracting features from images , traditional bag of features model fail to capture image spatial construction .


  6. However , I believe these two formulations fail to fully capture the effect cloud computing will have on IT consumption .


  7. Some Chinese commentators on Monday were skeptical , saying that the series would surely to fail in attempting to capture the magic of Journey to the West , a tale that 's standard childhood fare in China .
