executive editor
- 执行主编;执行编辑,编辑主任

As executive editor of the times , he held a position of almost unparalleled power in American journalism .
Kevin Ritchie , regional executive editor of South Africa 's Independent Media , echoes this statement .
He is an executive editor of Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research .
That 's Tom Hammerschmidt , the executive editor .
The writer is vice president at large and former executive editor of the Washington Post .
Executive Editor 's Political Duty
Dean Baquet , the Times 's executive editor , said :
Within three months he was named managing editor , the second in command ; within three years he was executive editor .
Sam Dealey , executive editor of The Washington Times , confirmed the sale with The Associated Press .
But Executive Editor Bill Keller says the Times is still profitable and had a billion page views on its Web site in October .
Enter the executive editor , who makes a suggestion requiring a more than-modest rearrangement of the design and the addition of an information box .
The report 's executive editor , Patrick Cerwall , told Entrepreneur that the figure had been calculated by looking at active phones connected to a network .
Executive editor is the first person to ensure the quality of science and & technology periodicals , fully responsible for the selection , reading , processing and sorting of contributions .
PC Magazine executive editor Dan Costa believes Microsoft had to move quickly after reports that Skype was also ing offers from Google and Facebook .
In certain instances , like New York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller ( No. 51 ), we judged the resources at his disposal compared with others in the industry .
Roger Scholl , the vice president and executive editor of Crown Publishing , said the market for Steve Jobs books was not close to saturated .
This year was no exception , as Dean Baquet , the executive editor , let a jubilant staff know that The Times had won three prizes .
According to Mary O'Brien , executive editor with Boston-based publisher Addison-Wesley , her days are spent making these determinations & at all times and in different ways .
John Cook , executive editor of Gawker Media , who helped put Valleywag to rest last year , said the site " didn 't play the access game . "
Fast Company , where Tetzeli is executive editor , has been dishing out the newsiest chunks like ice cream , one scoop at a time .
Daniel Franklin , Executive Editor of The Economist says China 's rise will come sooner rather than later : I think it 's going to be very quickly the world 's number one economy .
NPR Louis Lin has more , a statement from the New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson acknowledged that Chris Buckley has been forced to relocate outside China .
Jill Abramson got abruptly fired in May as executive editor of the New York Times -- an ouster that she didn 't see coming , she said in a TV interview Wednesday .
' They 're the most popular thing on Tumblr , hands down , and we reached out to them , ' says Jessica Bennett , Tumblr 's executive editor .
As carbon-monoxide victims continued to be hospitalized for treatment , David boardman , executive editor of the Seattle times , came up with the unusual idea of multiple-language warnings on the front page .
Mark Thorpe is the executive editor of Petersons Hunting Magazine and he told Culture Shock 's Denis Nichy about the changing views in the hunting community and the growing popularity of bow hunting .
Also in the top five were Melinda Gates , co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and wife of Microsoft Corp co-founder Bill Gates , and Jill Abramson , executive editor of the New York Times .
Meyer will act as Executive Senior Editor to focus on maintaining MOR 's relationships with the publisher and universities .
Calgary Avansino , Vogue magazine 's executive fashion editor , said that both women had dressed to reflect their own style .
Executive fashion editor Serena Hood added : Whether you want to admit it or not , you do form an opinion about someone the second they walk through the door .