equity risk premium
- 网络股权风险溢价;股票风险溢价;风险溢价;溢价

This paper will study the Chinese equity risk premium .
Determination of Equity Risk Premium in An Inefficient Market : Based on Input-output Analysis
Enlightenment of Equity Risk Premium of A - shares
Theoretically , there is a kind of relationship between equity risk premium and the term structure of interest rates .
Equity risk premium the extra return that the stock market provides over the risk free rate to compensate for market risk .
Also , we discuss the methods to calculate thenon - risk interest rate , the sovereign risk premium and the equity risk premium .
The difference between the return rate on stock and the return rate on the risk-free securities is equity risk premium Rm-Rf .
This article first analyzes the emergence of equity risk premium and its theoretical explanation . Then , it discusses relating problems when calculating Chinese equity risk premium .
He argued that the two capital sources were becoming less risk averse , which is ultimately likely to reduce the equity risk premium and therefore push up valuations again .
Consider a simple company growing sales at 3 per cent , making free cash flow of $ 4m with an equity risk premium of 5 per cent , a beta of 1 , and no debt .
Our research into the " equity risk premium " suggests that markets may be assigning a non-trivial probability to a " disaster scenario " for GDP as a result of " Euro tail risk " .
The average valuation of the US stock market corresponds to a real return of 6 ? - 7 per cent , which implies an " equity risk premium " a margin of return over risk-free government bonds of about 4 percentage points .
Michael Kurtz , Asia strategist and head of global equity strategy at Nomura in Hong Kong , points out that the equity risk premium , which measures the return offered by stocks compared with less-risky assets such as Treasurys , is far higher than its long-term average .