entropy of black hole
- 网络黑洞熵

And also the relation between entropy of black hole and Hawking radiation is discussed .
When we take an appropriate impenetrate coefficient , we can derive that the entropy of black hole is proportional to the area of horizon .
A new entropy of black hole in accordance with the third law of thermodynamics
Quantum Statistical Entropy of Black Hole
The generalized uncertainty relation and Dirac field entropy of black hole with an internal global monopole
We overcome some difficulty in mathematics and calculate the free energy and the entropy of black hole in high dimensions space-time .
As two important projects in black hole thermodynamics , horizon and its surface gravity of black hole are directly related with the entropy of black hole and the temperature of radiation .
Using the method of quantum statistics , the authors derive the partition function of bosonic and fermionic field in various co-ordinates and obtain the integral expression of the entropy of black hole .
Researchers have done lots of work in theory and observation , since black hole has been predicted by general relativity ; they try to reveal the essence of black hole and the statistical origin of entropy of black hole .
The quantum state number and free energy of the scalar field at the horizon of general non-stationary black hole with charges are calculated and the result shows that the entropy of black hole is proportional to the event horizon area .
Taking into account the effect of the generalized uncertainty principle on the entropy of black hole and adopting the thin film brick-wall model , the entropy of the quantum scalar field in generalized static black holes is calculated . The general formula for the entropy is obtained .
Using Dirac equation , the Hawking absorption of spin particles near the interior horizon of black hole is studied . We redefine the entropy of black hole is defined , and give planck absolute entropy of charged evaporative black hole with general spherical symmetry is given .
The entropy of the black hole is computed through the thin film model .
Quantum correction to the entropy of Schwarzschild black hole due to high spin fields
Quantum entropy of cylindrical black hole in Anti-de Sitter space-time
It is shown that the entropy of the black hole is proportional to the area of event horizon at any time .
According to this idea , the entropy of Vaidya black hole is calculated under the condition of local thermal equilibrium .
Using the first law of black hole mechanics , it follows that the entropy of a black hole is one quarter of the area of the horizon .
Fermion entropy of Vaidya black hole
By using the intrinsic temperature static observer measure , we have written a partition function of system , and obtained the statistical entropy of the black hole of Kerr-Newman .
According to the membrane model which is based on brick-wall we calculated the entropy of the black hole both in 1 + 1 and 2 + 1 dimensional space-time .
We derive the entropy of the black hole which is not only related to the area of the outer horizon but also the function of the area of the inner horizon .
Divergence structure for the quantum entropy of a black hole in Anti-de Sitter spacetime due to the electromagnetic and gravitational fields is investigated by using the brick-wall model .
The contribution of gravitational field of spin 2 to the entropy of Vaidya-Bonner black hole is calculated by using thin film brick-wall model proposed by Zhao Zheng et al .
Using the membrane model which is based on brick-wall model , we calculated the free energy and entropy of non-static black hole , Vaidya black hole , due to arbitrary spin fields .
Making use of Klein-Gordon equation , thin film brick-wall model and WKB approximation , we find the entropy of Vaidya-Bonner black hole and this entropy is proportional to the area of event horizon .
It is shown that when - Λ r 3 H > 3m / 2 , the spin of the neutrinos leads to a positive additional term in the quantum entropy of the black hole ;
Generalized uncertainty principle influences the entropy of generalized static black hole
Entropy of a non-stationary black hole in lower dimensional space-time
Computing the entropy of Schwarzschild-de Sitter black hole via membrane model