drop back
- 退后;落在后面

Economic growth will drop back to3 % this year .
Interest Rate Raising Cycle Hardly Stops , Major Stock Indices Drop Back
You 're supposed to drop back into coverage , lucky !
So the coal price is unlikely to drop back to where it was last year .
In capitalist countries the unemployment figures seldom drop back .
As soon as we reached the little village , we got the order to drop back .
Sometimes , you have to drop back a few steps when a particular design decision doesn 't make sense .
You may feel the canopy start to drop back as it enters a stall .
The runners kept together for a while and then a few started to drop back .
But in the first half of this year they recovered strongly , only to drop back in recent weeks .
Learning is like rowing upstream , not to advance is to drop back . - Chinese Proverb .
When the radon levels of the water subside and drop back to normal readings , an earthquake may occur .
It should then be able to drop back to around-14000 when no light is on it .
Manufacturers said they expected the confidence index to drop back in the March quarter , showing that they remain cautious about the near future .
And she can 't get out of this kind of feeling that forces beyond her control that is compelling her on the road from which she cannot drop back .
When we release that tension , the elevated levels of the body 's stress hormones drop back to normal , thereby allowing our immune systems to work more effectively .
We miss not having players who can drop back and play between the strikers and midfielders , players like Tevez or Rooney .
Every month or so a candidate emerges from the pack to threaten Mitt Romney 's lead , only to drop back after a week or two .
But NSN 's operating-profit margins are forecast to drop back to around 3 % in the first quarter , from 14.4 % in the fourth quarter .
Generally you just want to remember some simple things * if you want your midfield to drop back and support your backline give them low to medium closing down and a normal mentality .
But tourists rarely get caught up in the war of words , and even if your attempts to go native leave you tongue-ties , you can quickly drop back into English without penalty .
Food prices have undergone a paradigm shift and will not drop back to pre-crisis levels for at least the next 10 years , putting long-term pressure on governments facing the food crisis , according to a forthcoming report .
However , it may drop back again this year after the end of two key subsidy programmes introduced as part of the 2009 economic stimulus package : grants for renewable energy projects and government loan guarantees to encourage private sector investment .
It needed someone to drop back , give Portsmouth 's excellent centre-halves a fresh problem and help Paul Scholes and Michael Carrick , who were being hounded by Pedro Mendes and Richard Hughes .
I could drop you back off at the airport
I could drop you back off with the crops if you 'd prefer .
No worries , I 'll drop it back to you in the morning .
You can then drop it back onto your Quick Launch bar by dragging it there .
Because of this busy time it felt great , for a while , to drop by back at home in Finland .
Why , when they cool and lose their allure , do I want to ask the waiter to drop them back into the fryer again ?